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➙ 𝓡𝓮𝓭 𝓣𝓸 𝓑𝓵𝓾𝓮 ➙

Once again Brooklyn woke in her dad's loft after being knocked out, however this time she was lying in a bed and the back of her head stung as well, not just her throat.

She had yet to open her eyes but she could tell somebody was sat beside her because her left hand was engulfed in two warm ones.

Groaning, she opened her eyes and peered around lazily; she was in her room with the lights on a low setting and she found it was her dad holding her hand, a pained expression crossing his face.

However, once he saw his daughter was awake he gave her a soft smile and started brushing her dark hair back from her face while asking, "Hey Brooks, how are you feeling?"

Her heart warmed at the nickname she hadn't hear in a long time. "I'm alright," she replied her voice still a little raspy, she'd had worse injuries before this was barley anything compared to them, "how's Aunt Cora?"

At the sound of his sister's name the Hale boy's face dropped, knowing he couldn't lie to Brooke he said, "She's getting worse. The Darach knocked us both out and ran off with Scott's mum so we couldn't get her to heal Cora."

Brooke looked down sadly not only was she devastated by the news her Aunt was slowly dying but she felt sorry for Scott who must be absolutely heartbroken right now.

"Can I see her?" the younger Hale asked. Derek nodded before helping his daughter up and placing an arm around her, leading her downstairs.

Tears welled up in Brooklyn's brown eyes when she saw Cora lying on Derek's bed alarmingly pale, whimpering in her sleep.

After setting Brooke down on the end of the bed, Derek went to his sister side, picked up her hand and took some of her pain away.

Brooke watched as the veins on her dad's arm turned black and her Aunt started to relax more, her breathing becoming less erratic.

"Careful." Peter spoke walking towards the trio, concern for his nephew making him anxious. Derek pulled his hand back panting heavily, Brooklyn looked at him worriedly.

"Don't worry." He spoke  frustratedly, "I know going too far could kill me."

"That's not exactly what I meant." Peter replied causing Derek to stand up quickly and turn towards him curios. "I've heard it's something only an Alpha can do. And with reason."

"Which is?" Brooke's dad asked glancing back at his dying sister.

"You know normal wolves never abandon an injured member of the pack." Brooke rolled her eyes knowing he would explain whatever he had to say in the longest way possible. "They care for it. They bring it food from a kill.

They regurgitate it into the mouth of the injured wolf. They even give it physical and emotional comfort by intensely grooming it. In a way, they can't do more than just ease the pain. They can be instrumental in healing their own."

"If your trying to tell me I can save her, just tell me." Derek said maybe even more annoyed than Brooke by the older Hale's overly dramatic explaining.

"I'm telling you," Peter voiced calmly, "I've heard it's possible."

"How?" Brooke asked getting impatient.

"It's that spark of power that makes you an Alpha. When you take her pain, she draws in the power that provides you with those special gifts. The power that heightens your senses, your strength. The power that transforms your body.

As an Alpha, you have that bit of extra, that spark that intensifies the colour of your eyes from a bright yellow into a searing red."

"If I can save her," Derek started only to be cut off

"If." Peter said hesitantly, "If. I didn't say it works every time. It could just as easily kill you." The Hale girl looked towards her father, who was looking down, she couldn't lose him again.

"How do I do it?" He asked, making Brooke's heart stop for a second. "By taking her pain?"

"And then some." Peter answered, "Because there's a cost." Brooke knew this wasn't going to be good.

  ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

A little while later the three stood at the end of the bed Cora was occupying, Derek began walking towards his little sister when Peter lightly placed a hand on his nephew's chest.

"I can understand not seeing a downside to this, as you haven't exactly been Alpha of the year, but think about what else you'll be losing." The older boy softly but firmly said.

"I don't care about power." Derek said he looked sad but determined, "Not anymore."

"What about the power to fight back? Correct me if I'm wrong, but Kali's ultimatum still stands. The full moon is tomorrow night. And if you couldn't beat her as and Alpha, how do you think you're gonna fare as a Beta?" Peter asked him disbelieving.

"I don't care." Brooke's dad repeated.

"What if this was exactly what the Darach was hoping for? She would know the only way for you to save Cora would be giving up your power. Maybe that's what she was gonna have you do at the hospital."

"Why?" Brooke and Derek asked simultaneously.

"So that you wouldn't be able to face the Alphas without her. She wants you to come to her. It's all part of her little seduction, and she is still seducing you. She needs you on her side." The eldest Hale replied angrily.

There was a sudden knock on the door which made the three turn their heads towards before Peter went to go open it. Lydia stood on the other side, shocked by the presence of Peter she breathed out a confused, "You."

Which made the Hale reply with an ashamed, "Me." this repeated a couple times before Peter let the girl come in.

She explained how she and Stiles had worked out the parents were being kept under the nemeton and about how she had come to ask them where it was located.

"You don't know where it is!" She exclaimed, "But Stiles said you'd been there."

"We have." Brooke's Great Uncle drawled out, annoyed. "But after a few memorable experiences there, Talia, Derek's mother, Brooke's grandmother, my older sister, decided that she didn't ever want us going back. She knew how dangerous it was, and took the memory of the location from us."

"But then how are we supposed to find it?" The strawberry blonde asked sadly.

"We don't know." Brooke answered unhelpfully.

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

It was dark out now and still Cora lay on Derek's bed only now she was covered in sweat and had black blood on her lips. The other Hales watched on sadly, hating to see her suffer.

"It's gotta be now. I don't have a choice." Derek broke the silence they had been in for a good few hours.

"You always have a choice." Peter replied, "It's wether or not you can live with the consequences, facing Kali as a beta."

"Yeah, but it's not just a full moon coming. It's a lunar eclipse. We'll all be powerless." Derek announced.

He moved to sit by his sister's side. He brushed some hair off of her forehead before grabbing her hand.

Brooke went over to him wrapping him in a quick hug and whispering, "I love you." which Derek returned.

He started taking away Cora pain, his arms getting covered in black veins. Peter and Brooke watched from a little distance - concern written clearly across their faces.

Derek began wincing and grunting in pain whilst Cora's eyes flew open and she looked around in confusion.

Brooke's dad let out a mighty roar his red Alpha eyes changing to his steel blue Beta ones. Both Brooke and Peter let out a sigh of relief when they saw that the two sibling were fine.

They were all fine.

For now.

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