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The Hale pack had all decided to wait to get back to Derek's loft before they bombarded Brooklyn with questions. So right now they currently were riding up in an elevator to her Dad's place.

The inside of the building was very different to what she was expecting as from the outside it looked like a deserted old apartment block.

On the way back they had told her that the other pack they had been fighting was in fact an all Alpha one. She'd also found out that Ennis, the one who sent her dad off the edge as well as himself, had been the person to chase her through the woods a couple days before.

She was surprised she didn't recognise him but then again she hadn't thought about him since she'd gotten away.

Once the elevator opened to what Brooke assumed was Derek's level, she got out with the rest of them only to come across a big metal sliding door.

With ease her father opened the huge door allowing everyone to enter, the youngest Hale was the last to set foot in the room. She stopped and looked around, surveying the place her dad lived in.

It was completely open, no walls to separate the lounge from the bedroom. Straight opposite the door was a huge window letting in light with a desk and stool sat in front of it.

Not far away from it, a little to the left, was a three person sofa with a side table placed neatly next to it.
In front of the sofa was a low table with two mismatched chairs placed on each side.

The far right hand corner was filled with a double bed completely exposed to the rest of the room, and on the left was a spiral staircase that led to another floor. What was sat on those stairs made Brooklyn scrunch up her face in annoyance.

There on the steps was none other than her Great Uncle Peter. The man just couldn't be dead could he?

Now if it was anyone else she would be happy, like her dad and Aunt Cora for example, but Brooke never really liked Peter since he was always so incredibly irritating.

The old Hale looked down at the girl surprised but not completely shocked; he had been told about what Deucalion had said to his niece and nephew, he just didn't think he would be seeing her so soon.

He smirked down at his great niece saying, "Brooklyn, it's lovely to see you again."

The brown eyed girl just smiled replying, "Wish I could say the same about you." No one seemed dazed by her counter, most likely not liking the man themselves.

"Ah yes. Tell me dear, what was it you did to me the last time we saw each other?" Peter wasn't deterred by what she had said, knowing that she never truly liked him; something she got from her father.

Brooke smirked remembering exactly what she did, "I flung ice cream at your face."

The Hale pack all looked amused by this, some even snickering and chuckling because they thought it was so great. Peter just hummed in response probably recalling the event himself not finding it as funny.

After that they all took a seat, Brooklyn sat between her father and aunt on the sofa, as the pack started introducing themselves. There was Isaac Lahey, a lanky boy with light brown hair and blue eyes whom Derek saved from his abusive father who ended up dead.

Next was Vernon Boyd, - who went by Boyd - a black boy with a buzz cut and dark eyes who wanted the bite because he was alone.

Finally, well, for now, was Scott McCall. The boy was Hispanic with a crooked jawline, dark brown hair and eyes. However, unlike the others he had been bitten by Peter against his will, but was now coming accustomed to his new life.

Then they started asking about her, the first question being. What are you? Brooke expected this since they most likely saw her purple eyes as she helped Derek.

"A healer." she answered. The three Betas looked like they wanted her to continue. Confused Brooklyn drew her eyebrows together and continued, "It's pretty self explanatory, if someone is injured I can heal them."

Isaac rolled his eyes saying "Yeah we get that, but if Derek is your father why are you not a werewolf?"

The young Hale girl let out a soft, "Oh" their actions making sense now. "It's because my mother was human. Most of the time the child is born a werewolf but they are rarer occasions where the kid is normal human, one with heightened senses but cannot shift or a healer, like me." The Betas nodded in understanding.

The next question came from Derek, "Where have you been this whole time?"

Whilst she had been talking he been looking her over for injuries, he'd spotted a couple of old scratches on her ankles and a small red mark on her face you had to look closely to see, like she had grazed it against something rough.

Brooklyn gave her dad a sad smile, "I never stayed at one place for too long, knowing that it was probably safer if I kept moving. Went to Spain a couple times, I even came back her once about two years after the fire to see if anyone else had survived and still lived here, but obviously didn't find anyone."

"How did you know to come back here now?" Scott asked a small, nearly supportive smile on his face as he watched the girl talk about what had happened.

"News spread of a Hale building a pack in Beacon Hills, then I dug a little further and found out that it was dad so I came back here as fast as I could." Brooklyn pouted her lips waiting for the next question.

Cora was the one to ask it, saying, "So how did you know we would be there tonight?" a look of curiosity on her face.

Brooke bit her lip replying, "Umm, I didn't." everyone turned to look at her, confusion written clearly across all there faces. "For the past few days I have been sensing you guys getting injured, like every few hours, so I got fed up and followed the sensation to see what was going on. It led me to your fight."

They pack all nodded, a little sorry they'd distrusted the girl's life that often.

The next few minutes were spent asking Brooke more questions which she was too tired to remember.

Eventually everyone ended up leaving, Derek informing his daughter that she was to live with him from now on so he could protect her and that they would retrieve her few belongings tomorrow.

She didn't protest, she'd rather live with her father than in a little apartment all by herself. The young Hale walked up the spiral staircase to what was now her room, heading straight for the bed.

Almost instantly she fell asleep exhausted from the eventful but wonderful day she had.

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