✰ 25 ✰

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Brooklyn watched as Malia took one glance at the chalk board covered in algebra before turning and walking away. However, the werecoyote didn't get far before Stiles led her back to the classroom by her shoulders.

Luckily for Brooke, maths was the one lesson she found easy after missing six years of school. Probably due to the fact that she'd excelled at it when she was younger. Although, other lessons, like science, confused the hell out of her.

What she also didn't understand was why she had to be back in school when her family's vault was robbed last night. That's right. Robbed. 137 million. Gone.

Sat behind Lydia, the Hale girl listened to Stiles and Malia as they took the seats next to the strawberry blonde and raven-haired girl.

"School is important, and math is essential." Stiles said, plonking himself down in his chair as Malia turned around to face him.

"To what?" the werecoyote questioned.

"Knowing how much to tip at restaurants." he answered.

Lydia turned around annoyedly, giving Stiles a stupid look. Her eyes flicked over to Malia, "And other less important things like medicine, economics, engineering."

Stiles pointed his finger at Malia and gave her a wink, "Tipping." Brooke rolled her eyes at his stupidity, sharing a look with Lydia.

The teacher, Ms Fleming, spoke up from the front of the class. "All right, volunteers to the board. Brooklyn, Diego, Malia."

The werecoyote looked very confused as to why she'd been picked. "I didn't volunteer." she stated.

"You did now. To the board." Ms Fleming told her.

Brooklyn got up from her seat making her way to the board with no worries. Malia, on the other hand, sent Stiles an annoyed growl at his two thumbs up before following reluctantly.

Having finished her equation quickly, Brooklyn looked over at the werecoyote struggling with hers. "Didn't you go over the notes Lydia gave you?" she asked.

"I didn't understand them." Malia panicked.

Making sure that the teacher wasn't looking, Brooke glanced at the werecoyote's equation. "X equals 25" she stated.

Malia exhaled, writing the answer on the board. "And, Malia. Put away the claws." Brooklyn said.

✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄

The Hale girl walked through the school corridors with Stiles, Scott and Kira. "An axe murderer" Brooke repeated unsurely.

"A family-murdering axe murderer." Stiles emphasised.

"I already heard about it." Scott confessed.

Stiles looked at his best friend confusedly, "Wait. What? You did? How?"

Scott stopped by his locker turning to look at his best friend. "My mom called me. She knew we'd see it on the news."

"Perfect. Let's go." Stiles stated, turning to leave.

"Whoa, whoa." Scott stopped him, "We've got econ in five minutes."

The Stilinski looked between them all dumbly, "Right. Did you forget the part about the family-murdering axe murderer?"

"Did you forget that your dad's the Sheriff? They want us to stay out of it." Scott replied.

"Are you guys kidding me?" Stiles questioned, looking at them all exasperatedly. "There's a family-murdering axe murderer and we're not going to do anything about it?"

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