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"Mom?" Scott called out, "Are you home?"

Brooklyn was once again being led through the McCall house by Scott. However, this time he had a firm grip on her hand so she couldn't leave.

A tired looking Melissa came down the stairs. "Hey Brooklyn." she said when she caught sight of the Hale girl, "How can I help you two?"

Scott showed his mom Brooke's arm, "Her stitches came undone, could you redo them?"

"You don't have to," Brooke put in, "I'm fine." She glared half-jokingly at the Alpha. The cut didn't hurt too much so she was okay just sticking a bandage over it and being done, but the werewolf had other ideas.

Melissa, knowing that the girl wouldn't be here if it weren't for her son, smiled at the Brooklyn. "I'll go grab the med kit." she said before walking off further into the house.

Brooke huffed, Scott guiding her to sit on a stool in the kitchen. She looked at the True Alpha as he sat next to her, "I would've been fine, you know."

Scott smiled at her, "I know. But I'd feel better knowing you had it fixed up." he confessed. Brooke looked down at her lap, smiling a little.

Melissa came back holding a green box. She placed it on the counter and lay all of the equipment out. "I don't have any numbing cream here but it's a quick trip to the hospital, it won't take long."

Before the woman could move Brooklyn spoke, "Don't go all the way there for me, just do it without."

"I don't mind, honestly." Melissa told her.

"I can see how tired you are and there's no point making a pointless trip." the Hale girl told Scott's mum gently, a sympathetic smile on her face.

Melissa's eyes flicked to her son then back to Brooklyn anxiously, "Are you sure? It's going to hurt quite a lot."

"I know, I've done it before." Brooke smiled cheekily while the two McCalls looked at her in surprise.

"Are you completely sure." Scott asked, eyes set on the girl worriedly.

"I'm sure." Brooke nodded at them. Melissa, however reluctant, began cleaning the girl's arm and threading the needle.

Just as she was about to make the first stitch Melissa looked into the Hale girl's eyes to check she was still good to go. Brooke nodded so the nurse started.

Scott was surprised, and a little impressed, that Brooklyn didn't even wince while his mum stitched her up. He knew she was strong, it was something he adored about the girl, but he didn't know just how strong.

For Brooke, having had so many injuries, the pain of the stitches didn't really bother her. However it showed her how much she had grown since she had last lived in Beacon Hills. She remembered when she went crying to her dad because she'd slightly cut her knee.

Once she was done, Melissa packed up all the medical supplies and went to her room to sleep so she was rested for her long shift at the hospital tomorrow.

This left Brooke and Scott in silence as they remained in the McCall kitchen. The Hale girl stared at her arm that was freshly stitched up as it began to sting more than it did during the stitching.

The intensifying pain caused her eyes to gloss over against her will and when Scott looked up to say something to her he saw the tears building in her eyes, making him worried.

When she blinked a few traitor tears slipped down her cheeks. Scott, hating seeing the girl cry even if it was just a couple of tears, wrapped one of her hands in his and began to take her pain.

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