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✧ 𝓛𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓑𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓼 ✧

Over the past few days Brooklyn's life had been disrupted, repeatedly. It seemed that every five minutes someone was getting into trouble in this town.

Although as much as the young Hale wanted to help she couldn't, no one could know about her before she found him. Before she knew it was safe.

However, this didn't make life easy for the girl as she was constantly trying to suppress her powers and find something to distract herself with so she forgot about the sensations pulling her to go to different places in the town. The only time this was easy being when she was sleeping.

The worst of it all was when she was making her way home after going shopping for groceries, so that she would actually have something to eat, she'd heard emitters. Hunter's emitters.

Even though she had a gun safely tucked into the waistband of her jeans, and could easily defend herself against the hunters, she was slightly nervous.

The black haired girl had quickened her pace, scurrying back to her apartment as fast as possible considering she was holding bags full of food. Though her panic was short lived as she got back without coming across a single person.

That night it had taken her ages to fall asleep, her mind being bombarded with all that has gone wrong in this town and how many murders had been happening recently.

To Brooke it was obvious that they were sacrifices as they were all being killed in the same way. Strangled by a garrote. Blow to the head. Cut throat. The Sheriff's department were just too stupid to realise this yet.

There was no doubt in the Hale girl's mind that this had something to do with the supernatural of Beacon Hills, there's no limit to the crazy things that go on around here. Especially when a couple of them are complete and utter sociopaths.

Right now Brooke was working out, music playing through the apartment but not to loud as to receive complaints about it from her neighbours. As she was on her last few pull ups the young Hale felt her eyes start to glow, she dropped to the floor with a sigh.

Brooklyn was incredibly annoyed, this had to be the fifth time today this had happened and she was getting fed up.

Turning off the music and grabbing a glass of water, she was debating in her head whether to go see if she can do something about this or not. After a while she chose to at least see who was causing her so much inconvenience.

Snatching up jeans, a crop top and a denim jacket the brown eyed girl quickly changed into something more suitable for the weather than her workout clothes that consisted of a sports bra and skin-tight shorts.

Picking up a loaded pistol and some spare specialised bullets, because she was probably about to walk into something supernatural, Brooke locked the door and started on her walk.

Allowing the sensation to guide her, Brooklyn walked at a steady pace through the town of Beacon Hills noticing the little differences between the place now and what it looked like six years ago.

Everything seemed more dull now, from the paint on the buildings to the flowers growing in window boxes, it seemed a lot of colour had been washed away from the town.

Or maybe it was just seemed that way to Brooke, as this place gave her so much sorrow that she just thought the brightness in the town was gone.

She knew she wasn't far now, as she seemed to be passing abandoned, broken down buildings and warehouses. The pavements here were dotted with holes so the Hale girl had to keep her eyes on the floor as not to trip in one and sprain her ankle.

There were also no working street lights here so Brooke had to pull out her phone and put on the flashlight to be able to even see where she was going.

The sensation stopped when she was outside of an abandoned mall, the once painted walls were so weather beaten the bricks were exposed, the windows were smashed so pieces of glass littered the floor and graffiti tags were everywhere.

Brooklyn slowly walked up the outside staircase, testing them with her weight, so that she would have a good view of what was going on inside.

Once at the top she reached a door which was rusty but luckily unlocked. Opening it, the black haired girl took hesitant steps into the old mall.

She found that she was up on a high ledge and if she walked closer to the edge she would have a clear view of the whole mall below, where she could hear voices. Cautiously she creeped towards the edge unsure how stable the ground she stood upon was.

Nothing could of prepared her for the scene she came across as she peered over the edge. This was definitely not how she thought her night would end, but then again this was Beacon Hills for you.

She let out a startled gasp and reached for her gun.

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