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Timothée's POV

I flop back on our bed and sigh with boredom. Now what do I do? I folded all of our laundry, did all of our dishes, and read some of my book.

Y/N has been studying all day. She has a huge final in her Psychology class, and she's been relentlessly memorizing and reviewing all day.

I walk out of our room and into our living room, where she's sitting on our couch, pouring over her textbook and computer screen.

"How's it going?" I ask, standing at the doorway. She doesn't answer, or even look over at me. "Y/N? How's it going?" I ask again. She jumps and realizes I'm there.

"Oh... fine. I don't know. I can't remember the differences between all of the brain lobes... and I keep mixing up left and right brain," she says. She looks tired; the dark circles under her eyes show how early she woke up.

"Maybe you need a small break?" I suggest. Her eyes widen.

"A small break? No! What I need to do is memorize what the frontal lobe does. I'm so stressed out. How am I supposed to remember all of this by Monday?" Now she just looks downright disheveled, but I can't help but thinking about how cute she looks frazzled. Her hair, which is pulled into a low bun, is coming loose from how she runs her fingers through it, and she keeps biting her lip, which is something she does when she's thinking hard. I walk over and sit down next to her, wrapping my arm around her shoulder and squeezing her close to me.

"It's okay. You're incredibly smart - but you don't need me to tell you that. You'll figure it out. You always do. But I think what would help you the most right now is the tiniest little break," I tell her. "How about we start cooking dinner, and then I'll finish while you study at the table?" I ask.

She hesitates, biting her lip again, but nods eventually.

She follows me into the kitchen, and I get out all of the ingredients to make pizza. I notice that she's just staring at the wall, arms folded over her chest, and biting her lip with a vacant expression.

I put down the flour and walk towards her.

"Y/N, I'm serious. You're way too stressed. Just relax," I say, running my hands up and down her arms.

"Okay. Sorry," she says.

We make the dough, and I end up spilling flour all over.

"Oops," I say, looking down at the kitchen floor which is well-dusted with the white powder. Y/N stares at it for a second, and then bursts out laughing, which in turn makes me laugh too. She's gasping for breath, laughing harder than I've seen her in a while.

"Oh my... god... I'm so... why is this... so funny... to me..." she gasps between uncontrollable laughter. She looks at my face and starts laughing even harder. "It's... it's all over your face!" she exclaims, clutching herself.

I pick up my phone and check my reflection in my camera. Yep, it's somehow covered with flour. I start laughing again too and wrap my arms around her until we both contain ourselves.

"Geeze, that came out of nowhere," she says, wiping tears from her eyes.

"I think you're a little delirious from all of that zoned in focus," I tell her, pulling away from her.

"I guess so," she says.

"Do you feel better?" I ask.

"Yes. I really do," she replies.

"Okay. Go get your computer and study over here while I clean all of this up," I tell her. She smiles and kisses my flour-covered nose before leaving to get her computer. I'm glad I could make her feel better, even if I did make a huge mess doing so.

you GUYS!!! 400 reads??? this is insane. I seriously appreciate this so much. I hope you're doing well :) peace & love <3

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