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I WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS WANNA READ!!!!!!! SEND ME ANY REQUESTS/IDEAS/TOPICS!!!! Do you want more sad ones? More happy ones? lmk!!!!!! I can't believe this has 3.1k READS WHAT?????? I love you guys :) This book, (is that what you'd call it?), is more yours than mine, so I want to cater it to you!

Timothée's POV

I'm walking through the bookstore, searching for "This Eve of Parting". It's a poetry book that I've wanted forever, but for some reason haven't bought yet. I look through the entire shop, but can't find it. I shrug my hood over my hair and push up my sunglasses, making sure to stay incognito.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see something familiar.

Sitting on display is Y/N's Vogue magazine. I stop and stare at it for a moment, forgetting where I am. She's just standing, hand on her hip, in a gorgeous red dress. She looks powerful. Invincible. I haven't seen or read through the magazine yet for some reason, so I pick it up and buy it.

It's only when I'm sitting on a bench in Central Park, flipping the magazine open, that I realize I completely forgot about my poetry book. Whatever - this is a thousand times more exciting.

I flip to the section about her and gawk at her pictures. She doesn't just look pretty, or beautiful, or sexy. She looks strong, and smart, and confident. I start reading the article.

"Y/N Y/L/N has been taking the world by storm. With four new movies set to come out this year, she's only going to rise higher. She's already impressed audiences with her role in 'They Both Die', where she plays the stunning lead and displays an emotional array that the industry hasn't seen in a while.

Aside from her work in film, she has become the face of political activism for younger generations. She has spoken about her passion for feminism, led many activist marches, and inspired those of all ages to educate themselves about the importance of young people and their ideas.

We got a chance to sit down and ask her one question: How had her newfound stardom and fame felt?"

I read in a frenzy, feeling prouder than ever.

"'Well, it's been insane to say the least,' Y/N tells us. 'I went from having absolutely no life to an insane and jubilant one almost instantaneously. It's been wild, but it's been incredible. I love what I do, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.'

Y/N has been working non-stop for the last few years, but her rush to fame was quick due to her incredible capability to capture audiences on screen."

I read the rest of the article. She talks about her appreciation for every opportunity she's been given, her love for film, and her passion for activism. God, I love her.

I sit on that park bench for hours, reading and re-reading the article, staring at her pictures.

She's been filming all day. Would she be home from work yet?

I think so.

The sun is almost setting as I walk back to our apartment. I get stopped by a few fans on the street, and of course I take a picture with them and give them my autograph. But in the back of my head, I just want to get home and see her. Wrap my arms around her and tell her how amazing she is.

I quickly open our apartment door.

She walks out of the kitchen and into our living room.

"Hey, Timmy. Where have you b-" I cut her off by almost knocking her over when I run at her and wrap her in my arms.

"I'm so obsessed with you," I say into her hair. I feel her laugh against my chest.

"Why?" she asks, pulling away to see my face but still holding me in her arms.

"This," I say. I unwrap one of my arms from her and show her the copy of Vogue that I'm still holding.

"Oh! I'm so excited about that," she says.

"You should be. I just spent, like, two hours reading it in the park," I tell her. She bites her lip as she beams at me.


"Yes. I'm... I'm so in love with you. You're so badass. And, just, awesome. Just awesome. I don't even know. I'm at a loss for words," I tell her. If possible, she smiles even bigger.

"Well thank you," she says, rocking back and forth on her heels.

"Come on. I'm taking you out to dinner," I tell her.

"If you insist!" she says. She pulls away and practically runs down the hallway. "I'm putting on my fanciest dress!" she yells as she runs.

I smile and walk over to the fireplace. I set the magazine right on top of the mantel next to our little figurines and her Oscar awards. That's right, my girlfriend has won two fucking Oscars.

I take a step back and stare at her success with pride.

"Okay. I'm ready," she says.

"That was fast," I say, still staring at the mantel. "Okay. Where do you want to go? I was thinking -"

I turn around midsentence, and forget what I was even talking about. She's wearing a short plaid dress and a blazer. She bends down and adjusts her heels.

"What?" she asks, noticing me stare. "Is my hair bad? I didn't do anything to it. I guess I have time because you still have to get ready, and you're obsessed with your hair so that will take forever," she says, standing upright again.

I'm still staring at her, and I actually have to shake my head to come back to reality.

"What?" she asks again.

"Sorry. You just look... I mean... just so perfect," I say.

She flashes that perfect smile at me again.

"Thank you. Now go get ready, because you take way longer than me and I am hungry," she says with a mischievous giggle. I roll my eyes and walk over to her, stealing a kiss on the lips before I go to change.

I can't believe I'm lucky enough to know her.

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