✯ vacation ✯

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Your POV

I slide my hands up and down my thighs, bouncing my knees nervously.

"Y/N, just relax. They're going to love you," Timothèe says. He turns the car off and puts one large hand on my thigh, squeezing lightly to comfort me.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm fine. Just a little nerve-racking you know?" I say, giving him a smile.

We've just pulled into the driveway of his grandparent's vacation home in Carmel, California. I'm excited, but nervous to meet them.

"This is gonna be good," he tells me sweetly, with a smile.

"Okay. Let's go," I say breathily, nodding and smiling back.

We get out of our rental car and get our suitcases out of the trunk before walking up to the door. Timmy knocks on it before just opening it and walking in.

"Grandma?" he asks. His grandma appears into the large living room in front of us with a grin that matches Timothèe's, and wide open arms. She wraps him in a long hug.

"Oh, my Timothèe. I have missed you," she says. He has to bend down to hug her back.

"I've missed you too. We're so excited," he says over her shoulder. She pulls away and turns to me with that big, familiar smile.

"And you must be Y/N. So beautiful," she says, before pulling me into a tight hug.

"It's so nice to meet you! Thank you for having us!" I say, when she pulls away.

"Grandpa!" Timothèe says. His grandfather walks into the room and embraces him. He shakes my hand.

"It's so nice to finally meet you, Y/N. We've heard so much about you," he tells me warmly. I see Timothèe's eyes when I look into his.

"Thank you for having us," I say again. "It's so nice to get away for a while!"

"We're thrilled to have you. Come in! Let me show you your room," his grandma says. She leads us through the house, which is gorgeously decorated. I catch a glimpse of the beach only 10 feet away through the back windows.

She leads us down a hallway and into a large bedroom, decorated with cream, light brown, and dark blue hues. The king sized bed looks extremely comfy.

"This is beautiful!" I tell her.

"Thank you. I just finished re-decorating this room! It needed some sprucing up. Oh, and the bathroom is through that door, but of course you know that Timothèe," she tells us.
Timothèe wraps his arm around my shoulder and squeezes me close to him.

"Yeah, it looks nice grandma," he says.

She grins at us.

"I'll let you unpack and then we can have drinks outside!" she tells us.

"Sounds great," Timothèe tells her. She leaves back down the hallway and Timmy turns to me, his face bright and excited.

"So?" he asks quietly.

"This is perfect. Thank you for taking me," I tell him. I exhale.

"I told you they would love you. They've been so excited to meet you," he says, running his hands up and down my arms and grinning softly.

"It's absolutely beautiful in here," I say, glancing around at the rest of the room.

Timmy wraps me into a hug, his long fingers skimming the space between my shoulder blades.

"I'm so glad you could come," he whispers.

"Me too," I whisper back.


After we unpack, we find ourselves sitting and chatting on his grandparents' gorgeous patio outside. The waves crash in the background as we sip on some of California's finest red wine.

His grandparents are so sweet to me, and so eager to get to know me. It warms my heart.

We help his grandma cook dinner; roasted veggies, bread, pasta, and salad. It is delicious.

Timmy and I go to bed early after a post-dinner game of cards because of how tired we are from traveling and time changes.

My assumption was right - the bed is super comfy. Climbing in next to him and wrapping my arms around his torso is the best feeling. His long fingers toy with my hair as we whisper to each other.

"Tomorrow we'll go on a hike, and then to the beach, and then we'll lay in the hammocks and read," he tells me.

"Okay," I say with a yawn. I place my head directly on his chest, listening to his heartbeat beneath his rib cage. I run my fingers up and down his bare arm and nestle into the covers.

"I love you," he tells me, his fingers still playing with my hair. Even with my eyes closed and my head against his chest I know he's smiling; I can hear it in his voice.

"I love you. Thank you for taking me," I tell him.

We fall asleep clinging to each other, our bodies intertwined. We don't sleep like this every night, but my heart swells at his touch and he holds me tightly against him.

It is the quickest I've ever fallen asleep.

HEY EVERYONE!! GIVE. ME. REQUESTS. if you have them!!!!!!!!!! I love you all so much and I WANT TO WRITE SOMETHING YOU WANT TO READ!!! anything. even if you just have a genera!!! or a vague idea!!! or a type of imagine!!!! I've got a huge long list of ideas just from my own brain so I always am thinking and writing stuff down, but I'd love to hear what my readers like and want.

I got a request a while ago to write something Laurie themed and I'm still figuring that one out so if the person who requested sees this, just know I haven't forgotten. I also got a request for a Lily-Rose and Timothèe themed one so just know I'm also working on that!!!! hopefully I can figure those out and have them out soon!!!!!!

I love you all so much. this platform gives me so much hope, and everyone is so kind. it just warms my heart.

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