❖coming out II❖

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Your POV

"Can you just... can we put this away?"

Margaux is racing frantically around our apartment. She's holding a framed picture of Timothée holding her as a baby. In the picture, she's wearing a diaper and she's covered in spaghetti sauce.

"Awww I love that picture of us," Timothée says with a grin. "Look at your little face!" He catches Margaux's wide, panicked eyes and nods, wiping the smile off of his face. "Yeah. Yes. Just put it in the cabinet," he tells her.

She stuffs it in the cabinet before doing another hurried loop of the entire apartment. Veronica is coming over today, and she should be here any minute. Margaux told us about her a few days ago - she was so nervous, but of course we're extremely happy for her.

She's been racing around all morning, trying to make the apartment look perfect, and telling us what we can and can't say.

She returns to the living room and stops pacing for a minute.

"Can you guys go into another room? And just let me answer the door?" she says, turning towards us with wide eyes. She's flexing her fingers and balling them into fists over and over again. It's a nervous habit that Timothée has too.

"Yeah, but Margaux, calm down. You know we won't do or say anything embarrassing. We'll just stay out of your space the whole time," Timothée tells her. He walks over to her and places both hands on her shoulders, as if he's trying to ground her. "It's going to be fine," he says with a gentle smile.

She looks into his eyes and nods, still looking nervous.

"What do we do? The whole time? I thought we could watch a movie or something... I don't know..." she says, biting her lip.

"Just hang out in your room and talk! Stop overthinking this," I tell her. Before she can respond, a knock on the door makes her jump, and Timothée's hands drop from her shoulders.

She takes one more frantic look around the room, making sure there's nothing else she wants to hide.

"Go!" she whispers frantically, waving us towards the other room. We let her boss us around because of how nervous she is, and walk into the kitchen, shutting the door behind us. We hear her take a deep breath before opening our front door. Timothée gives me an excited smile.

"I'm so happy for her," he whispers.

"I know. Shh. I want to hear."

We both press our ears against the closed kitchen door, and catch pieces of their conversation.

"She sounds nice," I whisper to him. He nods. We're both smiling like idiots, with our ears pressed against the door.

"Oh, you should meet my parents," we hear Margaux say from the other side of the door. We both dash away from the door. I quickly slide into a chair at the kitchen table and Timothée leans sort of awkwardly against the counter, trying to look casual.

Margaux swings open the kitchen door and walks in, a tall, dark-haired girl follows her in. She smiles nervously at us and balls her hands in front of her.

"Hey! You must be Veronica," I say brightly.

"Yeah, it's nice to meet you," she says. Her voice is quiet - she must be nervous. Margaux looks on edge, but happy.

"We're so glad you could come over," Timothée says, with a smile.

"Thanks for having me. I love your... I mean I've seen some of your movies and I think they're awesome," Veronica says. I can tell she's intentionally trying to make eye contact with him to seem confident, but she exudes an anxious energy.

"Thanks!" Timothée says, smiling and nodding.

There is a beat of silence before Margaux speaks again.

"Okay, well, we're just going to go hang out in my room," she says, her voice a few pitches higher than it usually is.

"We'll be down here if you need anything," I tell them. Margaux nods and quickly walks out the door, Veronica following closely behind.

Timothée and I wait a moment to talk to make sure they're all the way upstairs.

"I love her," he says with a grin. He moves to grab a glass, and fills it with water before sitting next to me at the table.

"You just love that she complimented your movies," I say, rolling my eyes and grinning at him.

He raises his eyebrows and nods, still grinning.

"But for real, she seems really sweet," he says.

"She does. They're both a nervous wreck."

"Maybe she'll stay for dinner and we can actually talk to her," he says thoughtfully.

"I think Margaux would kill us if we did something like that without planning it first," I say.


We both sit there, beaming for a moment.

"I'm just so happy for her," he says, sitting back in his chair and running one hand through his hair.

"Me too."

For the rest of the afternoon, we sit in the kitchen, talking, working, and gushing over how proud we are. Right before Veronica leaves, we go our to our living room to say goodbye to her.

"I'm going to walk down with her," Margaux tells us. Veronica gives us a small smile and waves goodbye before they both leave.

I turn to Timothée.

"This is amazing," I tell him. He nods in agreement.

We both sit on the couch, waiting for Margaux to come back up so we can talk to her about how it went. She finally comes back, and she's beaming with happiness.

"So? What did you think of her?" she asks us, sitting on a chair in the living room.

"She seems really nice," Timothée says.

"Yeah. Did you have fun?" I ask.

"Yes. We just hung out and talked... and I showed her my watercolors - she likes to paint too... it was awesome..." Her voice trails off. She's sitting on her hands, smiling and biting her bottom lip.

"We should have her over for dinner sometime," Timothée says. "But sometime when I'm here, because I have to leave next week."

She nods.

"Yeah, that would be cool."

"We're so happy for you," I tell her.

"Sorry for being so rude the whole morning. I was just nervous."

"We get it," Timothée assures her.

The rest of the evening, we order take out, watch a movie, and talk about Veronica. Watching Margaux talk about her, and get excited and stutter is the cutest thing I've ever seen. The knowing glances and grins that Timothée and I share remind us of when we were in her position, meeting someone special like that for the first time. We're just unbelievably proud of her.

I can't believe this has grown to over 18k reads. I can't even conceptualize that. thank you. everyone here has been so sweet and caring. all of the encouragement and kindness has genuinely been so helpful, and I love you all so much.

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