❈ singing ❈

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Your POV

Just when I think she's finally asleep, y/d/n starts screaming once again. I close my eyes and sigh with exhaustion and frustration, clenching my jaw.

She's one month old today, and Timothèe and I are drained. She's starting her colic stage, and it's been rough - especially at nights. I lean against her bedroom wall and rest my head against it, letting her scream for a moment because I just don't know what else to do. I've been pacing her room and swaddling her to sleep for the past half hour, and yet she's wailing in my arms.

I open my eyes when I hear her bedroom door push open slowly. Timothèe comes in, a tired and concerned look on his face. His eyes, like mine, are plagued with shallow bags beneath them. He's been so good about making sure he gets her when he can in the night, but she needs me to eat, so I'm just as exhausted.

"Hey," he whispers in between her screams.

"Hey," I say breathily, with a soft smile.

"Let me try," he says.

I shake my head.

"No, no. It's fine. Really. I know you have that script to read," I tell him.

He walks over to us and reaches for y/d/n.

"Already read it. And you've done this every night for the past week because I've been so busy. Please let me. Just go downstairs and make yourself some green tea," he tells me. He takes y/d/n from me and cradles her in his long arms, bouncing her lightly and smiling down at her. She doesn't stop crying.

It doesn't take much convincing for me to listen to him.

"Thank you," I tell him. I stand on my tip toes and kiss him lightly on the cheek, and he gives me one of his classic soft grins.

"Go," he mouths to me with a smile. I nod and slip out of the room, her wailing getting quieter as I walk down the hall.

I make myself a cup of green tea just like he told me to. While the water is boiling, I see his laptop open with a script on the counter to page 20. He wasn't done reading it through. I scroll through a bit of it. It's a Bob Dylan movie; I think they're calling it 'Going Electric'. He's really excited about it, and I know he'll be amazing in it. It's just a matter of when they'll film.

I lean against the counter and drink my tea, relishing the silence around me.


She's no longer screaming. He must have put her to sleep. She's such a daddy's girl.

I take my tea upstairs and slowly walk down the hallway until I reach her room. I peer through the door and see him standing with his back to me, leaning over her crib. She's still awake, but just barely.

My heart melts when I realize what made her sleepy.

"Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas
Je vois la vie en rose
Il me dit des mots d'amour
Des mots de tous les jours
Et ça me fait quelque chose"

He sings in his sweet, quiet voice to her as her eyes grow heavier and she falls asleep.

"Il est entré dans mon cœur
Une part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause
C'est lui pour moi, moi pour lui dans la vie
Il me l'a dit, l'a juré pour la vie"

He reaches down and places one large hand on the top of her head, smoothing her hair forward.

"Je t'aime," he whispers to her. He stands at the crib and watches her for a while before slowly turning around and walking out. When he notices me at the door he grins.

I move into the hallway and he delicately closes the door behind us.

"Got her to sleep," he whispers to me with a smile.

"Thank you," I whisper back.

He smiles and wraps his arms around me, resting his chin on my head and placing his long fingers around my waist.

"That was probably the sweetest thing I've ever seen," I say quietly to him, trying not to spill my tea while hugging him back.

He pulls away from me with a sheepish grin, and I see him blushing even through the dark.

"Oh... well it worked," he says.

"She loved it," I tell him. I reach up and wrap one hand around the back of his neck, pulling him gently down to kiss me.

"What was the song?" I ask when our lips part.

"La Vie en Rose. It reminds me of her."

He kisses me one more time before guiding us back downstairs.

"I know we're both tired as hell, but let's just talk for a while. Or watch a movie," he says.

"That literally sounds amazing."

omg thank you so much to the person who requested this. it was a joy to write.

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