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Trigger Warning: This has graphic description of miscarriage. Please do not read if this could be triggering to you in any way.

Your POV

I wake up to a terrible pain in my lower stomach. Our bedroom is quiet except for the sound of Timothée's even breaths. For a moment, I just dismiss the pain. These first ten weeks of my pregnancy have been rough - I've had a lot of cramping. But as I'm watching Timothée's smooth, perfect features, I feel a stabbing pain deep inside of me. I gasp, unable to scream it hurts so badly. I somehow make my way to the bathroom, stumbling and catching myself on the doorway.

When I flick the bright, blinding bathroom light on, I almost faint. Warm blood is running down my inner legs, and it stains my light purple pajama pants with a crimson ferocity. I double over at the pain, landing on my hands and knees and spluttering.

It is without a doubt the worst pain I have ever experienced. I try to yell for Timothée, but my eyes screw shut and I can't see straight. Gasping for air, I manage to let out a strangled scream. Panting, I lower myself so that I'm laying on my side, my legs curled against my chest. The cold tile bathroom floor presses against my skin, and when I look down I see my own blood smeared vibrantly against the stark white tiles.

The bathroom door, which was slightly ajar, swings open all the way slowly. I look up to see Timothée. He rubs his eyes, covering them at the bright light, his messy curls tossed all around his face. He yawns sleepily.

"Y/N... what's going on -" He moves his hands from his eyes and takes in the sight of me curled on the floor, covered in blood.

The pain suddenly takes over and I let out another mangled scream, wrapping my arms around my torso and squeezing my eyes shut as tight as I can.

"Y/N!" I hear the panic in his voice as he bends down next to me, completely wide awake now. I open my eyes again and see his hands hovering over me, like he doesn't quite know what to do with them. "W-what's happening?" he asks, his voice shaking.

What is happening? I knew the second I felt the stabbing pain. I just haven't admitted it to myself yet.

"Miscarriage," I manage to say between ragged breaths.

"Oh god. Oh no. We... I have to call the hospital!" he stands up quickly and leaves. I want to scream at him not to leave me here on the floor alone. I can't stand being here alone, covered in my own blood. I shut my eyes tightly again. The pain somehow seems to double, and I scream through clenched teeth.

I feel a hand squeeze my arm. Timothée is back. When I open my eyes, I am seeing double. His face seems to dance around in front of me.

"Yeah, my wife I think is uh, having a miscarriage... what the hell do I do?" He holds his phone to his ear with his shoulder, using both of his hands to gently push my hair away from my face. His shaking fingers run all over my body. He wants to try to put me back together. He can't.

His voice is choked and hollowed with panic and tears as he talks, and his ragged breaths punctuate his words. "Okay... okay..." he continues to talk to the first responder on the phone, and takes instructions that I cannot hear. At some point, he lets the phone drop to the floor next to us.

"It's okay, t-they're gonna be here soon. It's okay. Just breathe," he says to me. I start moving in and out of consciousness as the pain somehow worsens.

"Just stay here... oh fuck... it's gonna be okay." I can hear him sniffling, trying to fight back sobs, his voice low as he talks to me. I scream again and he holds my head in his arms, pressing me against his chest. Through all of the pain, I somehow feel his curls tickle the side of my face. "Shhhh. Shhhh. It's going to be okay..."

It is the last thing I hear before I completely black out.


I wake up in a bed that is not my own.

The sanitized hospital smell instantly hits me, and I realize where I am when I look down and see and IV in my hand. I turn my head slightly and see Timmy sitting in a chair right next to me. His fingers are pressed together making a sort of pyramid shape, and he looks down at his feet. I stare at him for a moment before remembering how to speak.

"Hi," I say weakly.

His head instantly snaps up. Concern is etched over all of his perfect features.

"Y/N..." he says gently. "How are you feeling?" He moves his chair closer to me and rests his hand on my forearm, his long fingers lightly grazing my skin. I stare down at his hand.

How am I feeling?




It's now that I remember what happened. The image of dark, red blood coating my pants. The stabbing pain. The feeling of Timothée's arms wrapped around my head as I screamed.

Tears well up in my eyes.

"I'm... I'm not pregnant anymore..." I say it with a weak, questioning tone, even though I know it's true.

I purse my lips and look up, meeting his gaze. His green eyes are full of sorrow.

"I'm so sorry," he says. His voice is strained. I look behind him as tears slowly fall down my cheeks.

The room is dark; all the lights are off, but the curtains are pushed away from the window. It looks to be about mid-afternoon, and it is pouring rain outside. The rain drops cascade slowly down the window. I focus on them.

"What was wrong with me?" I ask, still staring at the window.

He hesitates before answering.

"The doctor said it was something with your cervix. She said that it... widened to early..." his voice trails off and I nod, signaling that I don't want to hear any more. "We need to let the doctor know your awake," he says.

I finally look back into his eyes, and this is when I really break. I start sobbing, my face contorting and hot tears streaming down my face. He stands, leans over me, and wraps his arms around my torso.

"I know. I know," he repeats as I almost scream into him with the most gruesome sobs I have ever produced. He pets the back of my head, smoothing down my hair as I shake against him. He squeezes me tightly as I cry.

I just lost my baby.

We stay like this for at least five minutes before I calm down enough, and he sits back down next to me. I take shaking breaths in as I try to gather myself.

His perfect eyes are red with tears, and so are his nose and cheeks.

"We'll get through this. I know it seems impossible right now, but I promise you. We'll get through this," he says. "For now, we really need to get the doctor in here," he says.

I nod slowly.

"We'll be okay," he assures me again.

The promise in his eyes makes me believe him.

thank you so much for reading :) <3333

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