❈are you lost❈

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Your POV

The streets of Soho are dreary today - but the good kind of dreary. The kind where the air is warm, and the sidewalks are coated with a thin layer of water, and the smell of the drizzle on wet pavement feels almost intoxicating.

Timmy and I are walking together, my arm latched around his. We're just having a day with each other. He got back from a long trip to Paris and is over his jet-lag, so we're just slowing down and enjoying the city for today.

"I actually really like this weather," I tell him.

"Oh? Why?" he asks. He's wearing a light pink raincoat, the hood pulled up over his messy curls that try to defy its weight.

"I don't know. It seems to slow everybody down but not hole them up inside. It's just nice. And I'm just in a good mood because you're home," I tell him, looking up at him as we walk.

"Well, I missed you too. And I also like this weather," he says, grinning down at me. I love that smile.

We keep walking, just soaking up each other's physical presence and listening to the sounds of a drizzly city. The traffic lights reflect on the wet pavement, and the sky casts a gray-ish but still beautiful filter over everything in sight. It's just perfect.

I feel my arm gently jerk next to me.

"Wait, wait - one sec," he says, halting us. I realize we're standing at a fresh flower stand. He stops and pulls his wallet out of the raincoat, handing the man running it a few dollars. "I'll take... those ones please," Timmy says, pointing at some white lilies near the back of the rows. The man smiles and hands him the small bouquet before thanking him for buying. "Yeah, of course. Thank you, have a good day," Timmy says kindly.

He turns back around to me and hands me the bouquet. It's such a sweet gesture. I grin and take it from him, holding the beautiful flowers in one hand, and latching my arm around his once again.

"Thank you so much. They're beautiful," I grin and bring them to my nose. I close my eyes as we start walking again, the soft smell wafting over me.

We take our time walking, talking occasionally but also just enjoying the scenery. New York is so beautiful in April.

We approach an alley way, one of many that we walk past, but this one is different. There's a little girl standing just inside, close to the wall. Timmy is walking nearest the street, so he doesn't see her at first. This time it's me who stops him. I look around quickly and realize that there's no one in sight - just the girl.

She looks to be about five or six. She has thin, blonde hair, big blue eyes, and a bright, red, shiny raincoat. She's biting her bottom lip and twisting her hands in front of her, looking around almost frantically.

Next to me, Timmy stops and catches on.

I take one more look around to make sure there are no adults that could be her parents before slowly starting to approach her, but Timmy moves first and beats me to it.

"Hi... are you lost?" he asks her gently. He doesn't get too close to her, but he crouches down so he's near her level.

She looks at him for a few seconds before nodding slowly.

"What's you're name?" he asks her, his voice still sweet.

Once again she hesitates to answer, but eventually she does.

"Violet," she says softly. She keeps her eyes down, and her voice is very quiet.

"That's such a pretty name. I'm Timmy. Violet, do you need help finding your parents? Is that who you're supposed to be with right now?"

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