♡rainy day♡

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Your POV

I wake up to the sound of thunder.

Our floor-length bedroom windows make up the entire wall facing the city, and through the small opening in the blinds I see the gray, drizzling outdoors.

I shift to check the clock on my bedside table; it's 9:52am. I panic for a moment before realizing that it's Saturday, and I have nowhere to be except a lunch date with one of my girlfriends. I stand slowly, leaving the warm blankets, and pull open the drapes. The rain drizzles the city skyline, and the lights shine through the gray sky. It is such a melancholy view, but rain is my favorite. The colors give our bedroom a grayish filter, with very little light coming in. I climb back into bed and turn towards Timothèe, who is still sleeping peacefully, his brown curls splayed across the pillows and around his face. I lay on my stomach and prop my head up with one hand while I lightly graze my fingers around his face. I know I should probably let him sleep, but I want to talk to him.

His eyes slowly open and he smiles faintly when he sees me.

"Sorry," I say, still tracing my fingers over his skin.

"No you're not. You do this every morning," he says, grinning.

"I know."

He slowly sits up against the headboard and rubs his eyes like a child.

"Woah. It's really coming down out there," he says with a yawn.

"I know. I don't want to get out of bed. It's just so warm and cozy," I say, curling up against his warm chest and watching the rain pour.

"Then let's not," he says.

"I wish, but I told Chloe I'd meet her for lunch, remember?"

"Just reschedule for tomorrow. It will be miserable walking around in this," he says.

I smile and curl closer to him, resting my head on his chest.


He reaches over to his bedside table and grabs the remote, flicking the TV across from our bed on.

"What should we watch first for our day in bed?" he asks.

"How about... The Office?" I say.

"Of course," he replies, opening Netflix and clicking on it.

I smile and wrap my arms around him, and he pulls the covers up over me. We watch movies and TV the entire morning, and when we both get hungry for lunch, I order bagel sandwiches to our apartment.

"Ugh. I don't want to even get up to get the food," I say pathetically, when our doorbell rings.

"I got it," he says. He pulls himself away from me and walks quickly out of the bedroom to answer the door. He comes back a minute later with our bagels on plates, and two glasses of grape juice.

"Yum. You know I love grape juice," I say, taking it gratefully from him and sitting up to eat.

He smiles as he sits next to me.

"Now what should we watch?" I ask.

"How about 'Inside Out'?" he says.


We spend the rest of the day lazily laying in bed, slumped against each other, watching movies and listening to the sound of rain pour down on New York City.

Timothèe Chalamet ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now