❂good mood❂

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Your POV

I wake up with the biggest smile on my face. For no reason.

Lately I've just been down. Work isn't going great, and the weight of life's responsibilities has just ben wearing me out. But when I feel the warm, morning sun beam onto my skin, I can't help but feel happy for some reason.

I slowly open my eyes and turn to my side. Timothée's face is now inches from mine. His features are smooth with sleep. He looks so beautiful. I stare at him for a while, admiring his perfection. It doesn't last long; I'm in such a good mood that I can't stand not talking to him a second longer. I lean forward slightly and kiss him delicately on the nose, before moving over to his cheek and leaving soft kisses there.

His eyebrows pull together and his eyes slowly open. When he realizes what woke him up, he grins.

"Good morning," I whisper with a smile, pulling away from him and laying back down so that our noses are almost touching.

"Good morning... I like being woken up like this," he says groggily. I lay with my hands pressed underneath my face, beaming at him. He looks so cute with his hair all messy like this.

He yawns and then catches my gaze before giving me a slightly confused look.

"Uh, what?" he asks.

"Nothing. I'm just happy today," I tell him.

"Okay..." he says with a smile.

I don't blame him for being thrown off. I haven't been super upbeat lately.

He sits up against the headboard and rubs his eyes.

I sit up next to him, still grinning like an idiot for some reason.

"You just have that meeting at 10 today, right?" I ask him.

"Actually I forgot to tell you - it's cancelled. So we actually have an entire day that we're both free," he tells me.

I bite my bottom lip with giddiness. It's been so long since we've spent a day together doing whatever we want.

I don't try to hold back my excitement at all. I like feeling optimistic.

Without resisting the urge at all, I quickly lean over and sit on his lap, straddling him and holding the back of his neck.

I lean down and press my lips to his, and his hands find my waist, holding me tightly. I love the feeling of my lips against his. It's familiar, and warm, and makes me feel fuzzy inside.

I finally pull away, panting slightly. I feel so completely awake. Adrenaline is coursing through my body. It's just what he does to me.

"Okay. You really are in a good mood," he says, raising his eyebrows and grinning at me.

"I don't know why. I'm feeling hopeful and optimistic," I say brightly. "And energetic," I add.

He laughs softly at my strange giddiness.

I place my hands on either side of his face, running my thumbs over his smooth cheeks.

"So what are we going to do today?" I ask him.

"What do you want to do, love?" he asks.

I think for a moment.

"Hike?" I ask.

"Yeah. That actually sounds really amazing."


An hour later we're both completely awake and packed for a hike.

I load food and water into the car while Timothée grabs small backpacks for each of us to carry.

Driving out of the city feels freeing. New York is actually really lush when you reach the middle and northern parts of the state. The car ride is full of music, and we sing happily along to Timothée's playlist of Kid Cudi, Bob Dylan, and Beyoncé. The weather is perfect, and we roll down the windows. The warm wind pushes my hair back, and it feels amazing.

Our hike is beautiful. We hike here often - we just have to drive upstate for about an hour to reach the place. It ends with a cascading waterfall and we sit on a rock that overlooks it, unpacking our lunch of PB&J, cheese, and crackers. Mists of water spray our ankles that dangle daringly over the side of the rock.

I look over at him as he takes a bite of his sandwich. He looks so beautiful. It's like he's glowing in the sunlight.

"This is really nice," he says, glancing at me.

"Yeah. It is."

"I know how overwhelmed you've been lately, so I'm just glad that you're so happy today," he tells me.

"Well, I'm happy most days. I'm just extra happy today I guess," I say with a ridiculous grin, swinging my feet over the edge.

He reaches one arm around me and tugs me close to him, and I lay my head on his shoulder. He keeps eating his sandwich as we stare down at the perfect view below us.

I love this. I love being held against him, sitting in the sun, hearing the gentle rush of the waterfall, and being surrounded by nature with someone I love so much. I smile to myself and close my eyes, my head still leaning against his shoulder.

This really is the most perfect day.

idek what this is but for some reason I woke up in a really hopeful state of mind today. THINGS WILL GET BETTER!!!!!!!!

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