⁂ too many questions ⁂

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Your POV

Timmy and I are waiting in the car for our five year old son, y/s/n, to get out of school. We never pick him up together, but Timmy got home early from filming this afternoon - he's been gone in Fiji for two months, and y/s/n misses him so much. We're going to go on a hike together, which is something we love to do as a family.

"Look, there he is!" Timmy exclaims, pointing out his window. I smile. He missed y/s/n so much. "I swear he looks taller than he did two months ago."

Y/s/n gets into the back of the car and buckles himself.

"Hi mommy," he says.

Timmy turns around and faces him.

"Hey, y/s/n," he says with a grin.

"Daddy! When did you get back?" y/s/n face lights up and he unbuckles, giving Timmy an awkward hug from behind.

"I got home today! Just a few hours ago. I missed you so much buddy," he says. Y/s/n sits back down, a look of pure joy on his face.

"We're going to go for a hike," I tell y/s/n.

"Really?" he asks.

"Yep," I say, pulling out of the school parking lot.

Timmy tells y/s/n all about filming in Fiji, and gives him a small keychain that he brought back for him. Y/s/n attaches it to his backpack immediately, a look of satisfaction on his face.

The ride to our hike is pretty far, about an hour and a half away.

"Guess what Jack told me in school today," y/s/n says.

"What?" I ask.

"He told me that his parents told him a big secret."

"Oh yeah? What was the secret?" Timmy asks, amused. He missed y/s/n and all of the funny things he has to say.

"They told him that daddies help mommies make babies," y/s/n says brightly.

My eyes widen and I turn to Timmy momentarily, only looking away because I have to drive. Timmy flashes me an amused but terrified grin, raising his eyebrows.

"Huh." That's all Timmy replies with, keeping his eyes on the road in front of us.

"But he didn't tell me how," y/s/n says. "That's the secret part that he wasn't allowed to tell anyone."

I let out a small sigh of relief.

When neither of us continue the conversation, y/s/n keeps going.

"How then? How do daddies help mommies make babies? Where do babies come from?"

Neither of us say anything for a moment. I'm in between bursting out in laughter and shaking with nerves.

"Hello?" y/s/n says, not getting enough of our attention. He's persistent. He won't let this drop -we both know that.

"I think your dad can answer that," I say. Timmy drops his jaw at me and swats my arm lightly.

"Well... when a mommy and a daddy love each other a lot... they make a baby together," Timmy says, trying to choose his words carefully.

"Yes, but how?" y/s/n asks. I watch Timmy bite his lip out of the corner of my eye.

"They get in bed together and give each other... a special hug. Not like the hugs we give you, but a different kind - one that only mommies and daddies can do together."

"Oh," y/s/n says. He seems contented with this answer.

We drive in silence for a moment, and I have to hold in my laughter.

"So did you and mommy do the special hug to make me?" he asks.

"Um... yes," Timmy answers.

"How much?" he asks.

"How much what?"

"How much did you and mommy do the special hug to make me?" y/s/n asks. This is going downhill very quickly.

I interject, because Timmy is mortified.

"Y/s/n, you ask too many questions," I tell him.

"Ok," y/s/n says. He looks out the window. "When we get to the hike, will there be a potty?"

He changes subjects so quickly.

"Yes," I say, laughing, "there will be a potty."

We arrive about five more minutes after that before we finally reach our destination. We all get out of the car, and y/s/n runs over to the bathrooms.

When he's out of earshot, Timmy whirls around to face me.

"You totally left me high and dry there!" he says, laughing.

"It was funny," I say, leaning against the car and laughing. He stands in front of me and moves his hands to my waist, pressing my harder against the car. He brings his lips to mine and kisses me. God I missed his lips.

He pulls away only inches.

"I missed doing... the special hug... with you," Timmy says. I grin and wrap my hands around his neck, twirling his curls in my fingers.

"What do you say we ship y/s/n off to my parent's house tomorrow night, and we can get some quality hugging time in?" I ask.

"I like that idea a lot, y/n."

oh my goshhhh you guys have no idea how much this is keeping me going. the craziest thing is looking on the map and seeing where everyone is from!! I'm from the U.S.! tell me about where you're from!! it's so insane that people all around the world read these! I love you all so much :) thank you <3

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