Chapter 12

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Hey I finished my exams and well I am First in class!!! Wohhooooo!!! YAAAAAAA!!! But I know that doesn't matter to you guys obviously sorry I know I haven't updated. But I am now and I will do the next chapter right now. Just wait till I finished editting.

Rose's POV

           For the first time, I noticed my surroundings and saw they were unfamiliar. I looked around and then I looked at Dank.

          "Uhhhhh...which room is this? I have been to every room you know." I said slowly.

         "It's mine." Dank said smirking.

          I made an 'oh' shape with my mouth but no sound came out. Then I dared to explore more.

          I was lying down on the worn cream colored sofa. His room was strangely neat, not so much but enough. Nothing resembling posters were up on the walls; there was a king-sized bed in front of the room door, a midnight blue bedspread on top; the chest drawer sat in the left corner next to a comfy chair with a nice sleek-looking guitar on top. The TV was above my head on the wall, a 20" plasma screen and the closet was  in a tiny gallery parallel to the bathroom. The right side had a full length mirror next to the window. The window had an unusual color for curtains: black. The curtains were pulled apart to show the view outside; that of the main street. The sun was setting so the streetlights were on.

           I was gonna ask the stupidest question ever: 'Where do you keep your money?' I looked around the room myself and then my eye caught a specific place. I looked at it closely hoping he doesn't catch me.

          I looked at the guitar. "You play?" I asked.

          He looked at the guitar, "Yeah. It gets my mind off...things." he said.

           Hmmmm. I guess everyone needs a hobby. Like I read my books to get my mind off...things.

          "So...I'm gonna head off to my room now since I still hurt and better now than never." I state trying to get up.

          "I don't think so. You still are very badly hurt. I am also gonna stop going for a while to the gym since you escape no matter what." He said putting me down.

           "Why? Then where am I gonna sleep?" I asked.

"On my bed." He said.

"And you?" I asked.

"Same." He said smirking.

           I studied his face. "Pfff. Ya right. Look at your face. You're joking."

"Whatever you think."

          "Hmmmm...I guess I do deserve this condition."

"Why? What do you mean"

"I jumped off the roof."

          He looked at me shocked. "You mean to tell me that you jumped off the toppest roof?!"

         Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it. I am already back in training a day and that is a lot.

         "I have a feeling you will cut my training previlages by two more days." I say sighing.

         "Damn right I will! Who told you to go there in the first place? Wait a minute...that's how you heard the sirens right?!" He said.

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