Chapter 18

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So guys this is a special chapter because once again it about Dank!!! Enjoy!!! ;-)

Dank's POV
Ok, even I can't pretend that almist-kiss wasn't about to happen.
I looked into Rose's eyes and I felt...what? Lust, happiness, comfort, or...compassion.
I don't know but it scares the hell out of me.
I am so scared when anything happens to Rose. I feel like a need to protect her and hope her make sure she knows she's not alone and I understand her.
I am no phycologist but, what happened in my past definitely leaves a mark on a person.
Could this be the mark it left? Do I now have the urge to take care of everyone I see. Even I know that sounds bulls*t. But what else would I think of this.
What happened that night is the most scariest memory I have. Damn it Belikov don't go there!
I breathed in and out ten times before I caught myself and made sure not to think of that time ever again. If I do, what's the use? It'll only take me into depression and sadness. It won't make me feel any better. And it definitely do sent explain any of this.
What I have with Rose, is not even a thing at all. It is just plain lust. I haven't been laid in a while. Or had a full blown make-out.
I guess that's all there is. Nothing else.
Though the girl should get some credit. She has figured out a perfect way to lure our people to get their money. I've gotten so much I might as well put some gadgets on my car. I'll ask Heřo later.
Damn that Spanish guy. He's a peice if work. Hey who cares. As long as he's got me connected I'm game.
Rose us getting better at training. She actually manages to tire me. Seeing that body at work is so hot and distracting sometimes.
Though I have to concentrate and make sure she is getting getting the best training she needs. Otherwise I'll just be wasting her time. She has to get better and better and better till her last breath.
Hell, I don't even need to motivate her. She is herself trying so hard. I hope nothing gets in the way this motivation...

So guyz, I know this is very small but what's written is very important. If you concentrate on each and every word there is a bigger motive so think on this chappy! :-)
Once again thanks for taking time to read this book!







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