Chapter 9

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Here ya'll go. So.....whatch'ya waitin' for. Go on!!!

Dank's POV

             I helped her as best as I could and put her to bed. The whole time she was out and I hoped she would be okay.

            She had scratches almost everywhere. It was a wonder she even could walk that much. I guess maybe she no way wants to show that she is weak. That is what she has been wanting to prove to everyone and I think she kinda did. Who knows. If a guy comes with a gang again and I am not there she might still be known as a bad a* or maybe she wouldn't be able to do anything and she will go down. But I was gonna make sure she will never be alone. Even if she is good she isn't good enough.

            Even if she does become good I just can't leave her. She needs someone. I can't explain it but, she just has to have someone to tell that it will be okay. But then there is also the thing that she loves to fight. And when she learns she will be the BEST!!!!!

           I will teach her. And I have a feeling that when she learns, she can even learn to manage to break into prison. I guess I have to be there to make sure she is kept under control. If not me then, she needs to find out soon. She has been through a lot and it would be better to have someone there for you. "Same goes for you." A voice said in my head...

Rose's POV

            I had a dream. I was at the same alley way and this time it was Dank instead of the drunk a* whole. I was startled why would he come here. Then he ran towards me and I hurriedly went on the offensive cuz I could see he was coming to beat the crap out of me.

              We started fighting and it was tiring. Really tiring. I was scared to death because he was way better than me. I thought maybe it was training but this shit is real.

             He went for a straight punch to my face and I moved just in time to go behind him to kick him and shoved him in the wall. But he was fast and turned around and banged my head on the wall. It was paining so badly. Again he came after me and threw me back at the wall.

             I felt something touch me and I woke up. The first thing I saw was Dank and I literally held out a punch to hit him but he caught hold of my hands and kept them from hitting him. I was struggling but he held them down. He said, "Woah Woah Woah!!!! Calm down. You were having a nightmare. It's okay, you're awake now."

           I looked at my surroundings and saw that I was not in the alley. I was gasping for air. I tried calming myself down but I couldn't. Damn these frikin' dreams have to stop. I noticed he was holding my hands. I felt so warm all of a sudden and felt butterflies in my stomach. It was weird. Why would I feel that way.

             So the first thing I did was let go of his hands but I wished I could hold them back. I immediately scolded myself. He is nothing but a thief who is keeping u captive, Rose. Though it had its perks. I can fight good. I tried brushing it off but a voice in my head said, "He helped you; you should be held you know." Wait, so I should be glad and be happy with him. Ugh! This is getting confusing. I should stop thinking...

            That reminded me of last night and me falling. "Shit!!!" I said, "How long was I out??!!" He was staring at me and snapped out of it. "You know, I told you; you should have let me help you. I figured out some injuries even you didn't see." He said slowly.

             I realized I was paining badly all over and it killed me. "Forget that. I was gonna be okay anyway. So how long?"

             "Uh, I think this is gonna be you're twenty-fourth hour. BUT..." he continued because I was about to protest. "You needed the rest you know. It's a wonder you even got up after that fight. You got pretty bad hits and you fought three people okay. So give yourself a break."

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