Chapter 19

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Hi Guyz!! I am sorry about this very late update but I have got a good reason. It's in the A/N below! Till then look at this exciting chapter!!

I wore a red half sleeved shirt that went a little above my navel. I wore white jeans with that and to complete the whole look I put red lipstick and eyeliner, leaving my hair open and falling on my back. Before I left, I threw on my leather jacket and boots.
I looked at my self in the mirror satisfied with my look and left to look for Dank.
Unfortunately the 'talk' I had with my "mind" still lingers but I try and keep myself at bay when I am around him and keep the I-am-always-put-!! plastered on my face and dared my mind to do otherwise.
What can I say? Old habits die hard.
I went after him and found him sprawled on the couch, watching TV in the main room like a god. He looked at me approaching and did a once over at how I looked.
For some reason the way his eyes went up and down looking at me made me shiver.
OK fine I know why but thinking and actually feeling are two different things! I have to get used to the fact that he does this to every girl he wants to take home.
I hurriedly pushed that thought away because it brought unwelcome jealousy through me and that I am already with him at home. I looked away from that piercing gaze and decided to go for my wits. Always a way to go through life right?
"You look like you're mentally undressing me." I said smirking.
"Nahhhh, keep the clothes on they look good on you." He said teasing.
I should've went for a sneaky retort but the comment threw me off and I mumbled an incoherent 'thanks'. He was smiling and I wished that he meant it in the way I do but I guess not everyone's frikkin' lucky! But he didn't seem to see what my eyes where saying and smiled back without knowing how much my knees bucked at that smile.
So I thought might as well make the most of it but a small voice in the back of my head said,"Are you sure you won't fall for him while you're at it?"
I shivered at that thought. I don't want to get my heart broken again. It just, hurts too much. Especially Dank. I can't believe I actually fell for Him. I Don't know what brought us together but it keeps increasing everyday. Worse, he doesn't feel that way.
He was wearing a black shirt that stopped right at his hips with only three buttons and he still left one open. He wore jeans along with that and his hair looked messy but good as always. On top of all that he also wore a leather jacket and boots. I tried not to stare at that God-like look.
I smiled at his look and we proceeded to leave. We hoped on the motorcycle and went off.
"Where are you keeping me kidnapped next?" I asked shouting through the wind.
He just shook his head and smirked.
Great another surprise. I mean it's not like my life is boring.
We went along for about half an hour when we stopped on top of a mount cliff.
The view from there was breathtaking.
I could see the city lights from here. The whole city was displayed in front of me and the only thing shown were lights here and there. It looked as if the sky was on the bottom instead of the top.
I stood there frozen. The first thing of course, was how pretty it looked. And then the second thought that came to my mind was why?
Why did Dank bring me here? That thought froze me for longer than necessary and I just kept staring.
"I come here because it looks it really nice. I have never seen the sky on the floor before. This is more than a metaphor." Dank finally said breaking the silence and snapping me out of my thoughts.
I pondered that and finally built the guts to say, "Who else have you brought here?" I said just above a whisper.
He said nothing for a while. Finally after a while he said, "Do you count as someone?"
I went with the flow and said, "I don't know. Am I a someone for you?" I said teasingly barely stopping my voice from hitching at saying that.
"Do you think you should be mine?" He asked.
"Depends." I said.
"On what?" He asked.
I turned around and faced him. "Would you choose to hug me or kiss me?" I asked daring.
He stared back at me astonished, wondering how my continuous flirting changed into saying this.
He chuckled. "Depends."
"On what?" I asked.
"Would you kiss me?" He asked.
It took me a moment register that he choose kissing over hugging and now he asked me if I would kiss him.
Time to bring out Ravishing Rose.
I stepped slowly towards him keeping my arms crossed & head down and lifting it only when I was only inches away from his face.
"Depends." I breathed.
"On what?" He asked staring at my eyes.
"Am I a good kisser?" I asked curiously but never leaving his gaze.
"One way to find out." He said.
"Yup." I said popping the 'p' and stepping away from him and turning around to face the view.
"You are gonna have to ask all the boys in my school and then come back to me." I said.
I hoped he wouldn't say that but I guess I had asked for it.
I heard the branched and leaves being crushing behind me, signaling he was making his way towards me.
He stopped I guess right behind me and breathed in my neck, "Why can't I try for myself?" He asked.
I shrugged.
He waited for me to say something. But I kept my mouth shut.
One, because I am afraid what would come out of my mouth and Two, because I wanted to tease him.
I guess it worked because next second I was facing him and his face was only centimeters in front of me and his hands around my waist holding me up.
"Never thought I'd see this side of you." He whispered in my ear.
I gulped and said, "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"
He turned me around just as fast as before and kept his face very near my neck.
"I am starting to wonder that myself." He said.
I said nothing to that but I wondered what he would be thinking about me right now. Does he think of me as a person he could be with or just another one of his flings?
Am I better than them or just the same. I put those thoughts aside and decided to ask,
"So, how did you find this place?"
"My mom took me here long time ago and I decided to find this place. After a found it, I couldn't forget where it is." He said.
I noticed just then that he has never once talked about his personal life in front of me and for the first time he did. I couldn't help but also note that when he said his mom's name, it held a lot of happiness but at the same time sadness.
Just then, I was scared to ask about it. I felt as if it had been a long time since he has talked about them and I can't push him to ask more...yet.
We left the conversation there and then finally decided to leave.

So That's it people! I really liked this chappy cuz I am awesome! Anywayyyyyyyy...
I have been shifting and that's why I couldn't update. The net signal doesn't come on the first floor of this building so i have to go to the roof which is a big fat bummer!
Also I'd like to do a shout out to all my amazing followers and voters! It means a lot to me!
Aaaaaaaaaand...also check my other stories by going to my works. They are only Fan based but they are amazing. The proof is how many reads I have so........Ya!
That's it for today's A/N.







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