Chapter 7

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Rose's POV

           The next morning I woke up because something was waking me. I thought it was my mom is was gonna give an irritated go away but, suddenly yesterdays thing came rushing (that and the pain in my knuckles) back to me and I sat up alert.

             I saw blue eyes staring at me with amusement. "Calm down just a wake up call."

           "Ugh. I forgot I was here. I was gonna shoo my mom away." I said rubbing my eyes with an annoyed voice.

           "Better get breakfast  or else you won't be ready for training." For a second I wondered what he was saying. Then the realization of it hit me. To my credit I am lucky I can hide emotions cuz I was just in time to close my mouth to drop open. He was actually gonna teach me how to fight. Woah! That is amazing. First day and training starts!?! I guess he was bored and wanted to be entertained by me messing up.

             Oh but, I was gonna give everything I got in this. No way am I gonna entertain him. I am gonna show him how much I ment it. I was serious about every word I said.

             He went away with a smirk on his face. I got up and brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I decided to wear my favourite P.E. clothes. I went down stares with a huge intake of breath. This is it. My first day with an asswhole...

            He was in the kitchen wearing a gray t-shirt and dark blue pants. The clothes were seriously hugging his body amazingly. I had to look away before he noticed that. I took some milk and toast with nutella. I apparently didn't have my favourite breakfast but, this would do for now. I went for another one cuz I hadn't eaten since yesterday. Well a little but,that's it. I also figured I'd be shit tired today and wouldn't even have the strength to eat.

             He told me to follow him to a great place he set up for this. I was curious and wanted to see. He led me all the way to a small building. It looked really old and rusty. But when I entered I couldn't help but, get out a small gasp. It was just like a gym. He apparently had his own personal gym as well. He smiled knowingly which made me regret my gasp but, I said something that startled both of us, "This place is amazing. Soothing and nice and amazing."

             We started off with warm ups. He taught me how to use some of the equipment and also some stretches. After that he asked me run out 12 times since that'd make a mile. He could run a mile in five point something minutes. He said you could escape something faster and that way there wouldn't be any problem in running into police or thief. I ran and ran as fast as possible trying hard to do the run in least time possible. I guess I couldn't get an amazing result today so, I think I shouldn't be sad. But still I didn't come all the way here to just sit around.

             I was on the last lap when I heard a faint hum of music. My curiosity killing me I looked inside the building and saw him working out with some music on. He was totally oblivious to everything happening around him. And damn did he have sweet abs. They were perfect. Not even overdone unlike those stupid asswholes who have ballons instead of muscles. Anyway I remembered I was being times I went back to running. I finished and went inside turning off the timer. I was breathing heavily but I didn't care. I checked and was astonished to see I had done it in 7:45min. Removing rhe extra time of course. I did not feel in the miod to make excuses. I actually did good.

              He finally realizing I was back made the music low and came up. He asked, "How much?" He was breathing heavily but, not as much as me.

             "Seven-fortyfive." I said. It was a bad one. It wasn't as good but, I guess it was something...right?

             "Ok." He said I think trying to think about what an idiot I am.

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