Chapter 13

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Hey guys!! Sorry but it was raining the other day and just when I was about to click publish...LIGHTS OUT!!! I got so angry. Now I am updating!!!

           Once again, the night mares; this is getting too much...

          I was back in the alley with the drunk a*w* - I should really find out his name though - and with the other two guys. I'm fighting them and I had the upper hand but suddenly everything goes wrong...

         One of the guys pushed me so hard on the wall that I hear a sickening crack and then the other comes and throws me to the ground and they all start kicking me and punching me everywhere. I feel seething pain in my lower ribs and I can hardly breathe. Out of nowhere I feel myself slipping away from the night mare.

           "ROSE! Rose wake up it's just a night mare!" I hear someone.

           I try to fight my way out of that peron's hands. "NO, NO! PLEASE IT HURTS, STOP! DON'T!" I scream.

          Whoever it is holds down my hands. "Rose it's me Dank. Rose you're here." I hear Dank say.

          Slowly I realize where I am. I open my eyes and see the gorgeous blue eyes. I dont know how to react and I am just lying there gasping heavily and in shock.

         "Rose..." his voice now in a whisper, "Rose it's okay you're here. You're safe. Don't worry I'm right here." He says lying down and hugging me close.

          I finally snap out of it and hug him as if he will go away. This was so hard for me that I am so close to crying but I try to hold it back.

           He is soothing me and brushing my hair aside. I get some comfort. He is calming me and I soon fall asleep.

Dank's POV

           After leaving her I went to her room. It. Looked. Wow.

          This the smallest of the rooms and she made it look like a suite.

         When I enter there is a bed which she had decorated and put up some of her clothes and under her bed all of her shoes. On her night stand she had kept some makeup stuff and on the other she kept her phone, headphones, mini speakers, and ipod. She had a chair on the right with a gallery of the closet and bathroom. On the left a sofa and a table with her laptop.

           Her bed looked comfortable but not that much. I went and jumped on the bed but immediately regretted it. It wasn't that much of a soft landing. I lied down although I couldn't fall asleep.

           I took her ipod and headphones and checked out her songs. I gotta say her favorites are interesting. She has some jumpy songs that are mostly about a love that she likes. Her sad songs are actually weird. It seems as if she has problems and she doesn't like her love or something. Some of these songs reminded me of my child hood. I immediately removed those songs and turned on Centries by Fall Out Boy and after that DNA by Little Mix. The base of this song is amazing. Then I heard Clarity. That was a weird song.

          After a while I turned it off and looked at the time. It was 3 am. Whoa, am I going crazy?

        I got up and went to the kitchen to drink some water. I went to my room to see Rose.

          I got in and saw her fast asleep. She looked so vulnerable at that moment. I sat there just staring at her. She has beautiful long brown hair. They were usually curled at the ends which gave it a sexy look. She had cute pink lips that looked like two hills. She had a small nose that was not all pointy. All in all including her blue eyes she looks like the most amazing girl ever.

          She started movig in her sleep and kept saying something. For a second I thought she was sleep talking but then I saw the pained face. I came closer and saw that she wasn't holding her bruised area. She started clawing at the blanket as if it would hurt her and I immediately got alarmed. She was having a night mare and it was in no way a good one.

          I shook her and she tried fighting me and screamed, "NO, NO! PLEASE IT HURTS, STOP! DON'T!"

I held down her hands, she is gonna hurt herself. And said, "Rose it's me Dank. Rose you're here."

          Her eyes flew open and she saw me. She was so shocked she didn't know what to do. She was breathing heavily.

        "Rose..." I said my voice barely a whisper, "Rose it's okay you're here. You're safe. Don't worry I'm right here."

           She suddenly hugged me and momentarily I was confused but then I melted in her arms myself. They started making me sleepy. I said soothing words and hoped she fell asleep.

          I lied down with her and she slowly fell asleep. I didn't even notice that later, so did I...

Here ya go!!!

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