Chapter 1

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So this is my story starting officially. seeing as its named 'chapter 1' ya know... Anyway, if any of you haven't read the book "Vampire Academy" then don't read the part after "(spoiler alert)". I hope you guyz like this book!

I was watching a movie when my mom comes in and says, "Rose finish your homework."

    I say, "I already did mom. Why do you think I am sitting free of worries?" Me and my big mouth ha!!! But I never do anything without reason.

     Mom says, "Don't lie and go finish your homework. Your watching, not doing your homework."

     I say, "Mom have you ever heard of the word BREAK" I said concentrating on the word 'break'. "It's what people do when they are done with something. You of all people should know that since you keep complaining about your tired body. Now go away I am missing the action part!!!"

             Harsh, yes but not when you have a mom who never believes you well... Considering all the other people I have verbally slapped or made fun of. If you had to make a list of my enemies you would have a hell lot of homework on your hands.

         Mom says, "Watch your tongue young lady. Go to sleep you have school tomorrow." And just like that she walks away proud of the cheap shot she had on me.

              I have always wanted to learn to fight but ended up into learning verbal fighting. Like I said, I am missing the action part.

            Anyway lets get down to business. There is this badass goddes named Rose Hathaway (she has my name eeeeee!!!) who is giving men their ass handed to them. She is so sexy and amazing in fighting. She also has an awesome name. I have all of her characteristics except for the fighting part. Bummer. Well anyway this is a movie so who am I kidding.

           But there is proof how badly I want to learn fighting. In P.E. I am the only kid with the highest grades of 98% in the whole grade. As far as I know. I mean I might be better than the next grade level or something but hey like I said 'not real'. I guess I am the only one who makes my teachers day. Yay for them. Boo for me.

          It might sound disgusting that I sweat a lot and that's nasty but I would do anything to look sexy and slim and strong. I mean it even looks good on me. Mix a person's scent along with a pinch of perfume DAMN SEXY. It's so awesome that people want to dive right into you.

             Well that is the impression I got from boys and freakish old men. I wouldn't blame them for going after me, I mean I have one teacher to prove it. Dammit that guy is a SOB.

           Anyway no time for complaining. Rose is a guardian who will protect her friend Lissa after graduating from school. Rose was trying to save her friend from a guy named Dicktor...I mean Vicktor. She is relieved that she could save Lissa but there is an upside down in her life. She can't be with her true love unlike Lissa because she's too busy trying to become the most awesome and perfect guardian. That could be ruined because of her crush named Dimitri, her mentor. Dictor...I mean Victor compulsed Rose into going after Dimitri just when she was about to warn people about Lissa's capture. The second Rose saw Dimitri she couldn't keep her hands off him and neither could he. She was so close to losing her virginity but couldn't because little did Dicktor (I am not fixing it this time) know that Rose and Dimitri are extremely dedicated to their job. They managed to break the spell just before the fun started and saved Lissa. Even though they cared for each other dearly they couldn't be together cuz they were gonna become the two guardians for Lissa and instead of protecting her they would be checking each other out which would probably kill her. So they had to literally ignore each other for the rest of their  lives.

        Sad but at least they almost had sex. SEX. An amazing thing. Not that I ever did have sex. It is still awesome. Considering I watched porn. Okay, okay, calm down. It wasn't on purpose. There was a virus in which porn videos would come on my computer. Because some a*w* perv hacker decided to store his porn on my computer.

           So, I saw this new title and I was like what is this let's check it out. And when I turned it on BAAM!!! V* and D*!!! After that I never went on my sibling's computer again.

           Anyway so later on (spoiler alert) Rose and Dimitri decide to make the whole protecting-and-checking-each-other-out thing work. They do and live happily ever after. 

Hopefully I will also get my true love and be happy with him. No one can be sure, I mean it's a movie so, fantasies are out of the option. Who will be bombarded with shit just to end up having their true love. Only happens in movies. For now. ;)

Here you go!






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