Chapter 4

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I am dreaming that I am with Nathan and we are having our usual flirty talk. All of a sudden Nathan picks me up and takes me to his bedroom and we start kissing. And damn was he hot. With my eyes closed I pictured a hot guy but with eyes open I see a guy who is so not my type. His hand are coming under my shirt. SHIT!!! Why am I kissing him. I can't. I have to get out. But we keep kissing. Its not him it isn't psycho. Now his hand has reached my bra. SON OF A B... I suddenly get up gasping for air. Damn what a nightmare. This isn't good. I can't go through life and have no one there for me. But what can I do. Go to Nathan and say I want you. Agh. I can't. I can't believe that psycho helped me. Is my brain actually believing that he is sexy and one day I'll meet him and then he'll...NO!!! I can't think about him when I can't meet him. Also I am healing from Bicthan (Nathan).

Not being able to remove my sad mood I get up and see the time as 2:30 am. I go to the kitchen and get a chocolate bar.

I am eating it and was about to get up for another one but, suddenly my phone starts ringing. I pick up the phone quickly so, that no one hears it. Being in a crappy mood I say on the phone, "Whoever this is you better have a good reason to make me busted of being awake at this time!!!"

A thick sexy but cold voice comes from the other side, "Listen to me. You close this phone and I shoot you. I know your sitting in the window. I have a gun and I can shoot you. UNDERSTAND?!?!?"

I swallow. Not what I expected but, no the fucking way am I going to show him I'm scared. "I am not sitting in the window." I say flately

He laughs a cold laugh and says, "You know your parent's window is right next to yours. I'll end their life if you don't do as I SAY!!!"

I look back and see a guy in the shadows. No one but, I could've seen that cuz I am all for observingever that place in mind in case I was ever in trouble. Now he was there barely visible. I say, "Ok. Fine but, don't ruin that place you're at its my secret place for hiding." I know I was joking but, I had to show I'm not scared.

He takes a little while to respond probably shocked I spotted him...I doubt it. "I don't think you understand what I'm saying. No more chatting you will do as I say and just respond with a yes or no. I wouldn't choose the no if I were you. Or else someone's gonna become an orphan."

"Yes" I say along with a chuckle. He said say yes or no so, I said yes. The guy has clearly not thought this through.

He apparently decides to ignore it and says, "Come outside with cash and jewellery. You don't, lights out for your parents."

I think about this for a while (Not to long. He'll think I'm calling the police). I really wanna leave home and experience a little more in life. I wanna learn how to fight. I want to be brave. I want to know alot, and above all I want to save my family. So, this is what I say, "I'll make you a deal. It's weekend and I'm at home. I'll collect all of the money and you'll be watching me the whole time. Tomorrow night at this time I'll come to you with all that." I chose carefully not to use a commanding voice.

He thinks about it letting it sink in. Then he says like a dick, "And I catch you on any phone even if it's just the screen I shoot. Got it. Also less communication with your family."

I had to say he was good . With nothing more to say I close the phone and sleep. I was gonna take the most biggest risk tomorrow. For the sake of my family and friends.

I wake up in the morning and sadly everything comes back to me from last night. I look out the window and see him right there. For some fucking reason the bitch salutes. I couldn't help it so I salute back. I think he looks taken back, but I doubt it.

So here's the plan. I will take my pocket money which is 20,000 RUBs because I had 500 dollars so...ya...whatever. I collected alot of dollars.

After that I pack all my shirts and jeans but, only the sexy ones by which I mean all of them. I also made sure to keep makeup.

I keep all of this aside hidden and it becomes eleven o'clock. I go to my brothers room and talk to them. I hug them and say how much I love them but, I don't shed a tear or they will suspect. Also I didn't make my acting to obvious that I'm saying goodbye.

Then, I go to my sister's room and say the same thing but, with more hugs also extremely close to crying. My sister is a huge bitch but, she is my bitch.

My final room to go to was my parent's. I would miss them the most. I told them I loved them and told them I was sorry I was never the best daughter they had. I actually started crying (Damn it felt good to shed tears) but, brushed it off by telling them I had a bad dream. They believed it. What can I say, no one can read me.

It's 12:30 am by the time I'm in my room and waiting. I was glad everyone were sleepy because it was a long fun first weekend. I wait and wait and wait. I go out my bedroom at 2:15 am to check on everyone and see if they're asleep. Thank god everyone was.

I go out of my house and take one last glance at my home and then go after him. I was never going to see these guys again.

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