Chapter 6

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I quietly went inside and reached my room. I didn't even notice my knuckles until I opened the tap of water to splash on my face. My knuckles were horrible to say the least. Its a wonder I didn't break a bone. I washed the blood off my knuckles and noticed only then that it hurt like shit.

          After pampering myself and wearing bandages on my hand. I went off to the kitchen to eat a snack. I tried doing it quietly but, unfortunately for me when I was about to open the fridge he came out of no where and made my heart run off to space.

            "What's wrong with your hands?!?!" He asked demanding

             "Dank you Bitch" I suddenly realized I said a bad word to him. I didn't care I just continued, "Haven't you heard of this type of fashion these days. It looks cool" I said lying

             He looked at me for a few seconds then let it go. "Ok. Sleep early. It's quite late."

            Did he just mom me. Oh no. He has no right. "Who are you to tell me what I can or cannot do???"

            "Well your loss in the morning." And just like that he walked away with a smirk on his face.

             I took his ice cream and went off to read my books. I started hearing a tune. Surprised I got off bed and went to see what it was. I got out of my room and heard it coming from the opposite side. I went towards it curiosity burning me. I saw that it was coming from Dank's room.

           Apparently he tells me to sleep but, he himself is listening to music. But something about the voice and tune told me it wasn't speakers. I looked closely and saw why. He was playing a guitar and singing with it. I couldn't hear him clearly cuz I was faraway. The tune was soothing and amazing. I wish I could hear what were the lyrics. Probably some stupid shit I thought bitterly and went back to room.

          Exhausted and nothing to do I slept like a baby but, a baby who lost half of her soul that night.

Dank's POV

          She was remarkable. The name Rose fit perfectly. Delicate on the outside but, in reality it has thorns that can scratch. She had quite the attitude. I mean for a girl. She looks like she's flirting but, instead she's actually mocking which makes you look like a goof.

           Also her choice to come with me was startling but. I kept that off my face. I wasn't going to give her the easy ticket. But she amazed me even more by keeping her ground and proving it. Unfortunately there's more to this one than anyone can guess. There's fire in her eyes and at the same time sorrow. It was confusing to say the least.

            She even made me vulnerable for a second there. I'd told her something I'd never tell anyone else. She was all types of amazing. But, I just couldn't shake the face she sometimes gives me when she's pissed.

           I hated that face especially since she was so extremely sexy. Damn she was so beautiful. I had been caught back when I saw what she was wearing. It looked amazing on her. When she moved in the light I saw her even clearer. She!!!

            I couldn't even shake the words out of my head when just before I jumped on the guy to rob she had said "I'm sorry". Clearly she hasn't been doing what I have but, saying I'm sorry...weird.

            She asked for my real name for some reason. I guess she also knew my name "the rapist". But instead she didn't even flinch when she saw me. If she was she didn't show it.

            And at the bar she had taken care of the situation perfectly although I wasn't quite sure which part of the guy's saying made her punch him. It freaked me to think she did it cuz she was easily tempered. It certainly didn't look like it.

           And man did she have the moves. She tells me she doesn't know how to fight but, here she hit the guy squarely on his nose. I took her outside and she actually had told me why she did. I was startled by her confession but, left it. It sounded as if she was bullied but, it didn't because she never backs down from an argument. It was incredible and confusing at the same time. I guess I might be complex as well bit, of course no way are we alike. I think.

            Then, when we'd reached home, yup she was impressed but, darn did she have the attitude and when she noticed that I had noticed her she suddenly changed it and that was when things got ugly. She literally got pissed at me. Okay yes I know I had given her a hard time by making her take a decision like this but, still did she have to. Okay maybe but, not that bad.

         Unfortunately later on I got my answer. She was looking around for a room (except mine) and then took the smallest which I didn't completely understand. She was so calm and peacefully doing her work and suddenly she snapped. I guess she couldn't take it anymore or what but, she ran outside and I followed quietly but, ran after her. She was looking for some far and quiet place for some reason. Then when she found the place she screamed. She screamed so hard and let it all out. I wanted to hold her but, I couldn't not when I was a thief to her. I guess screaming wasn't enough so she started hitting the wall really hard. So hard it was a wonder  her knuckles didn't break. She hit and hit and hit. Then I guess she got enough she just sat down. Her head between her legs. And then most startling of all she looked up and I saw no trace of tears on her face. That was a really surprising thing. She didn't shed a single tear. After that I decided she was coming back so, went inside waiting for her.

            She entered and went to her room. Apparently she didn't notice the trace of blood she was leaving and let her go inside. I quickly then cleaned her trace so, she didn't act all weird if I asked her. I guess she had enough on her mind.

            Proved wrong she got out of her room and went ro the kitchen. I came after her and asked, "What's wrong with your hands?" I asked in my attitude.

            She spun around so, fast I think I didn't see it coming, "Dank you Bitch!!!"

           I guess I deserved it...,"Haven't you heard of this fashion it's cool." She said lamely. What a boring excuse. It's a good thing I cleaned the trace of blood or god knows what she would've said.

             Apparently she wasn't gonna tell me so, I just left telling her a lame excuse of sleeping. I decide I was really gonna teach her to fight. She needed it or else she could kill her self. She had raw pure energy that could be used in better ways. She needed this and I was gonna give to her, even if it meant her escaping and her using it against me one day. I don't care. She was hurting badly and she needs something to distract her. I am gonna give her that something.

            I went to my room and decide to play one of my songs on the guitar. It made me feel better. Singing my favourite song and then I fell asleep.

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