Chapter 2

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The next day I woke up at f* 'o clock, I mean 7 'o clock and went to school with my queen biatches. Ugh. Groan. Anyway so when we reached there were a bunch workers there and out of nowhere I suddenly remembered a joke and started smiling not laugh otherwise I'd have to tell them the joke. Those d*y workers thought it was me smiling at them and they started smiling back. What a bunch of perves. Hey trust me, I know a perv when I see one. Seriously you can't start smiling at people who smile at you but, actually they were more like smirk smile. Smirle. Yeah perfect name.

            So I go through school and it's lame as usual and then it's English time. Oh this was gonna be interesting. I never back down from a fight. Watch and learn. English teacher says: "Good morning class. So today we will look at the lesson's questions."

           We start the lesson and come across a question about figurative language. I ask him the meaning of those several words of figurative language and he seems to have forgotten the meaning of them. One thing you should know is that I knew he didn't know the meaning of them so, I taunt him to his face. The English teacher stammers, "umm...well...this exaggerating about...stuff"

            I say trying to keep a staight face, "Isn't it with like and as, that one for example You're as dumb as a monkey." I snicker to the inside.

The English teacher says smuggly, "Oh ya, that one, yes exactly. Rose you are a little tiny bit smarter aren't you. I dont know how one question right out of  a hundred will help in the exam but it's a start."

            I say smilingly and menacingly, "Oh you shouldn't worry about me I can take care of myself, but if I were you I would start uhem" I scoff slightly, "start explaining the rest without a a student's help."

              The awesome thing about him is that he also doesn't back down from a fight either so he just zips it up and continues the lesson with a s*t his face. He doesn't even give detention.

             So the school ends and I go home and decide to start reading my book. I am reading a series called 'Fearless (Samantha Smith series)' it is amazing as hell. Not really hell cuz I have read other books so...ya but still it is an amazing book.

           Then, I do my homework and get rid of it as fast a s*t possible. God homework's a pain in the a*.

           After I'm done with frikin homework, I started watching TV for a while. My dad comes up asking for the remote and do I have a choice. Nope. I give it and changes it to news. I decided to wait till news is over so I can continue on TV. Same old boring stuff is happening in the world. Bombing, terrorism, craziness, the usual.

           But then one particular headline catches my attention. A fricking hell a* sexy guy (with tatoos on him) is stealing from homes and also sometimes rapes girls. But from the pictures I think that the girls are actually wasted and they agreed to have sex more like it but, whatever. But seriously S*t. Why did a guy as fucking sexy as him have to be an ultimate perv. Seriously he could have taken a job for acting or modeling or for men's underwear ads. Anything!!! He is so f* up sexy that I was so close to jumping and start kissing him (on the screen). Unfortunately I am also a master in holding my emotions so that no one gets a s*t clue from my face. Also I make sure my eyes don't even become watery when I need to cry as hell but instead I cry as hell on the inside when needed. It took years to develop this but it was worth it. Anyway I almost wished I would meet him cuz I want nothing but a sexy guy to be married to.

          Not that, that would happen cuz that type of stuff would never happen in real life.  It's just movies and books. So it was okay to beg to meet him, I guess.

          Anyway this guy must also have been good at fighting cuz some victims had their a* handed to them. Okay I know that's mean but *swoon* damnit was that guy a hot and Bada* fighter. Perfect. My type.

          I will always picture him when I am angry. So that I can calm down and get a smile on my face. They don't know his real name but people call him rapist. I wanted to claw out anyone's mouth who would say that to him. I know it's wrong but he makes me w*t myself.

            So my dad goes away without a word and I continue watching (with the man's face at the back of my mind). I am quite the observer so I remember his abs, his tattoos, his blue eyes. Damnit why did his eyes have to be blue? That's my favorite color!!! I think I am gonna keep hoping I meet him. Just to satisfy myself. :-)

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