Chapter 3

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          The next day when I was coming back home for the weekend I was waiting outside with my biatches for the van. Damn that van guy had to ruin my mood for the weekend. I was so happy to go meet my buddy Nathan (who understood me). I hated it when, at times like these, I couldn't take a swing at someone. Suddenly an image of the man from the news came to my mind. Woah!!! "Hey sexy". A grin started spreading on my face. S*t. I couldn't hold my face when I see him. This is so getting out of hand.

             "What's so funny?" asks my new recent biatch friend Lasy. More like Lazy.

"Nothing just thinking of something." I said. Trying to hide the grin and continue the random girly convo with them. I couldn't believe it. I actually had that command unconsciously carved in my brain. Wow. That extremely sexy face is gonna keep making me w*t my pants. *Swoon*.

            Anyway forget that for now. I was excited to meet my buddy who understood me. He would make my mood way better, well not in the sense of good looks but in the sense of advice. Considering he is the only one who understandingly cares about what I go through. But a small part at the back of my brain still had that face and would say to me, "you love him dearly."

            My buddy Nathan came to our house to pick us up. He of course knows that I love riding on the motorbike so, he comes with it and hardly convinces my mom to let me ride. Everyone else  goes in the taxi while I'm riding with him on the motorbike. It was amazing. Considering we go from the town to the city. So it was a breathtakingly long ride. It's so awesome how the first winter wind splashes on my face continuously. It even (even though its for a second but...its worth it) helps me forget my problems for a while.

           We reach there and with my secret signal to my buddy to meet me, I head off to the roof. He comes afterward. I start, "I see the old man hasn't forgotten the signal."

         He says seriously back but I'd know better, "and you young lady, haven't learned s*t from being stuck in prison."

         "I am sure you'll forget later by making love. It turns on every man." I say back haughtily.

           "Yup." He says "It's like you've read my mind. Or maybe you've noticed me squirming every second on the bike."

           I say, "And I thought porn had damaged my mind. I was never so wrong."

              He says, "Nope...both of us. What hasn't effected both of us in the same way these days?" He smirks. We both have a great laugh about it afterwards.

         "So..." he starts casually, "what's with the signal. Is something wrong?"

          "How would you know if I have a problem. Why can't I just call you to steal you from your wife?" I ask innocently. We both know we aren't ever gonna pass the relationship in front of 'friends', but like I said, I love to talk back. He doesn't mind either.

            He chuckles and says, "I thought this signal was for emergencies and not being more than 'friends'." For a second there I thought I heard a hint of sadness in his voice. I turned around and saw that I was right. We both are very good at hiding our emotions but one thing he doesn't know about me, is that I can read people. He can't. So I hurriedly remove my haughty mood and hastily change the topic.

          "I need...uhh your phone number for emergency talk and when I feel like punching the s*t out of people." I say. My nervousness sparked something in him. I didn't like that at all. Not the best topic (considering I am literally flirting) I chose but, it's true I needed his phone number for emergencies of taking me home when I'm...lost somewhere.

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