Chapter 17

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Here is the second...

"Simple for the reason that I wanted to save them. They are my family and it's my responsibility to take care of them, to protect the them and to make sure their life goes swiftly without problems. You know that." I answered the first question honestly. Wow that's an honest...unbelievable.
"You do know that I know what you're thinking right? Because I am your conscious...remember. look stop thinking you are shallow you had a hard life because your brain we taking more in than it should've in a young age. Remember you had known about death at the age of ten. You thought how your grandmother could live without your grandfather, you thought how you might loose you mom and won't be able to live without her and you thought about yourself dying you should've been thinking how Barbie could dance well?" My conscious said.
"How could I forget 'The famous Rose Maturing Before Her Age' thing which no one understands except an unstable guy." I replied bitterly.
"Oh and do you notice that everything you said about why you saved your family is actually the job of your father, mother, sister and brother, teacher and guardian respectively?" My conscious informed me.
I thought about for a minute because I had to remember the order to match what I was saying...okay that came out more confusing than I intended...ugh!!
"Ya know that I always have felt that way because I didn't feel like they were doing a good job at it I guess." I was so shocked feel a little bitterness at mentioning that about my family, "See, this is what I meant, I don't look like it but I am soft and I hate it that I just said that."
"I know but seriously even after all this you will and I know you know, feel like it be worth it." It answered back, "Besides, I know you're understanding and I know that you know that it was hard for your family to get used to and they weren't even close to becoming used to it but still it was hard and they finally are regretting it, regretting that they never could get to you. Ever." My conscious answered softly.
"I guess you're right..we're right...Ya know. And I have to do something about that by the way." I answered shrugging.
"I know you will figure that out. You are for some reason quite smart when it comes to witty stunts...maybe I should start calling them, 'The Rose Stunts, Never Before!' That way you will know what I mean when I mention it." I could almost imagine my conscious is winking if it were possible.
"Woah woah woah! What do you mean, "When I mention it"? I am not going to talk to you after this. This was the first and last time. I'll go crazy talking out, you know like to see those who suddenly start looking at a distance lost in their world." I said back.
"Rose..." my conscious sounded almost wistful, "You are many things but you will definitely not gonna go crazy. You past that line long time ago, caught yourself and made yourself who you are. If there is anything that you can become its more and more closed...if that's even possible, but with you, no one knows..."My conscious finished darkly.
I shuddered even though I wasn't cold. Of course what you think that I am not paying attention to my surroundings I never keep my self so busy that I let my guards down, no I know what's going on there and here.
So like that I went on and on and thought about everything till now. I had to. There were so many puzzles that were very confusing and needed placement. And shockingly I had found out a lot of things.
I had left because I wanted some time to think and get my head straight, not knowing I was getting myself in to. I also found out I wanted to go out and find some more adventure and have fun. Well I know you must be thinking that how can this be fun. My life has been nothing but fun since I came. Not that it wasn't before I thought wryly. But I had learnt a lot and believe it or not I loved it. The action, the fame that is only in my head, the ups and downs and maybe possibly the sideways.
I also found out that not only was the reason I had chosen this room was defiance but also simplicity. I had always wanted somewhere simple but not really got it. I looked around I and found out I liked it cuz it was simple. Crazy but that's how I am.
I also found out that learning how to fight was something I had been yearning forever and ever. It was a wonder I hadn't blasted of that much yearning. It gave me power, faith, bravery and of course I became witty.
The biggest thing and revaluation that hit me was that I was in love. I was in love with a man that had caused nothing but pain literally and figuratively. Literally because I had gotten through pains to save him and figuratively because I have had to leave my family and I was hurting. Hurting because I couldn't have him.
Yes, I have to confess it to myself. I wish I could be with him but he is just another thief who would hurt me and throw me away the next second. That actually lifted a lot of burdened off of me but then at at the same time it made my world crash down at me. I loved him but couldn't have. Again. Again I can't have what I want. The thought killed me but I had to do it. For my family.
The rest of the time I thought about Dank. Dank Belikov. I chuckled at that. Who would've thought that my first true love would have the favorite name of my character and me having hers. I thought about those gorgeous blue eyes and the smell of his hair and body when he is so near me. I thought about how he took care of me. I thought a lot about how he said my name like it held so much affection. Rozá...
And that's when I heard my name coming from his lips. I jumped up in bed and stared. So much for not letting my guards down. There he was staring at me with his usual smile and his hair open falling till his shoulders like a God. And most surprisingly he looked nervous with his hand behind his head, thinking of something.
I hastily tried to slow my heartbeat fearing he would hear it from all the way here.
"Ya Dank?" I said bringing back my attitude to show him to be comfortable that it's just me.
He calmed down enough to put his hands in his pocket.
" I wondering if you would like to go it right now, I know this amazing place I wanted to show you." He said in one breath.
My first question would've been 'why?' but instead I said, "You do know that your starting line was as if you were asking me out to prom but then you said a place so I am guessing a date then?"
He looked taken a back for a second but then he recovered and said back,"Why not? We have been together for a while now. Might as well."
I wanted to say that I was excepting the fact that I can't be with and here you are asking me out. Instead I sighed inwardly and said,"Do thy the honors." I said,putting a smile on my face for a different reason than he thought.

Ok. So the next one will be after a little while cuz I have to still edit it. Love y'all!






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