Chapter 11

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PHEWWWW!!! I am done with one chapter at least.


              After a few minutes of resting, I got up and went on my way to tell Dank that it's clear.

             "Of course he must be safe and sound, hiding somewhere." I thought bitterly. I had to help his sorry a* since the beginning we had met and it made me s*t angry.

          I can't believe he actually made me do all his  work when I am the one who's hurt and I fought like three people when I was only in the basic training and made me angry at him.

           I mean he could be a good person but Nooooooooo!!!! Instead he is an a*whole who is mostly refered to as 'The Rapist' from people. Where the hell is he?!!

             I hadn't noticed that I had walked quite a lot by now and still no sign of him. But of course maybe he must be at the club waiting. Ya pass the time.

             I decided to completely ignore him and walk back to the house. Damn did I hurt so badly. It's a wonder I could f*ing walk!!!

            Okay...I should really calm down. I shouldn't let that a*whole get to me. He is an idiot thief after all.

          God how far is it!!??!! I couldn't take it anymore and I sat down. After a while I noticed that this is the place I had screamed the first night I had come. I shivered at the thought. It is definitely the last.

            A smirk slowly made its way to my lips. Of course, now I can hit someone so bad that they have another thing coming their way.

           "And who is that person who helped you in that? If I may ask that is?" Said that annoying voice in my head.

          "Do you have to come now of all times?" I said to no one in particular.

         Great now I am talking to myself. I sighed. I regretted that the next second cuz it made me flinch.

         I started getting up when I had a searing pain in my abdomen area. I didn't know where the pain was coming from but it hurt all over that area and I couldn't breathe.

            I was gasping for air but I couldn't. It hurt so much. O God!!! What's happening. I wish it could just stop.

            I knew I couldn't do anything about it and I couldn't  just stay here either. I just hoped he was near the house. I used all the strength I had left and screamed at the top of my lungs, "Dank!!! Dank help me!!!!"

            Because of that last yelp, I blacked out cold...

Dank's POV

           I ran out of the gym and took all my stuff along with me. We didn't want evidence on their hands.

           I hated leaving Rozá. She is so innocent in all of this that she had to pay for my years of stealing sounded very...Ugh!!! Why did I have to leave it to her.

            She is so hurt that I hate to see her try so hard to ignore the pain. Just in the morning it took her so much stregnth to even move a muscle let alone laugh so much.

           But I left her. I left her and it was the only way to save my sorry a*. I left her in the worst condition possible. Man, am I an idiot.

              I ran somewhere just for the time being so that I can be at least a little out of their view. I ran out the back door and just kept running. That's how I usually run away from the police. Run. Don't look back.

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