Chapter 10

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Heyyyyyyyy!!! I am Awesome!!!! I am updating early even though its killing me!!!

             Okay. Maybe you're thinking why I jumped when I was so hurt and all, but that was the fastest way to go down. And right now...Dank needed me.

             I jumped off the roof and landed on the sloppy part. I slid down on it and braced my feet for the ground. I landed and slightly twisted my ankle. I flinched a little but hurriedly brushed it off.

             I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I hoped I could reach him before they did. I ran and ran and ran. Trying really badly to ignore the pain that was killing me. I hurt badly all over, a lot. It killed me to even move a muscle.

            But I had to. I had to at least reach Dank and get him to saftey.

            I reached. But the police weren't too far behind. I ran inside. I saw him. Shit! He was shirtless. Talk about timing. I ignored his fascinating abs and ran after the radio. I turned it off and ran to him before he could utter a word. I came to him and put my hand over his mouth. If it weren't for the seriousness of this situation I would have laughed at his priceless expression.

             At first he started struggling; then he saw me. He was about to say something when I immediately said in his ear, "Shhhhhhhh!!! There are police outside!!!" I said, whispering urgently.

              Then he heard the sirens. His eyes went wide. He said, "What are you doing here!?!"

             "Saving your a* of course. I have a plan. Run. Okay? Run as fast as you can out the back door and go far." I said urgently keeping my voice low.

              "What!!! I can't leave you here!!! They'll take you!!!" He said.

             "Ugh. You're such a stick in the...look! They don't know me at all. I will pretend to be a stupid teenager walking the allies, looking for a party. Ok. That's it. If they take me, they won't find anything." I said. Silently in my mind I hoped these weren't the guys who are looking for a missing teenager, "Rose Blake."

            Yup. I remember. I remember exactly that I might be in one of the case files.

            "Okay...fine. But be careful. You are still the same person who fought three guys..." He said slowly. I thought I caught a hint of sadness. No way. Why would he be sad and worried about me. I am nothing but an advantage for him. I promptly ignored it.

               He ran out the back door taking all his stuff. We don't want evidence in their hands.

              I went out the front door. I saw the police were a little far away from this area. I took a deep breath and went after them.

            I saw them and they were discussing something. I pretended to be walking no where and walked near them.

            When they saw me I put a worried face and picked up pace as if I was wanting to find out the problem.

             I came very close, "What's the problem officer? What's going on?" I said.

             All of them and I mean all looked towards me and started staring at me up and down. Of course. How could I forget. Stare at the sexy girl and think dirty stuff, then answer the questions accordingly. F*ers....

             I made sure to keep my face worried and not angry cuz seriously right now I wanted to beat the freakin' hell out of them. This is the exact drama, I did not want.

            The leader I think, came up, "Yes we are doing an investigation. We got some sightings of "Rapist" recently heading this way. We are checking if we get any proof. I see a woman wondering around here. Have you seen him?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

            Ok. Time to use my deadly weapon.... "No I haven't but I hope you do!!" I said, flirtily.

           The guy is literally trying to hold his shit together. "Uhhhhmmmmm...yes I hope I do as well. Here take my number and call me if you find out anything." He says smiling like hell. Of course, he's a perv as well.

             I tell him I know these streets perfectly well, since I do my exercise here and I have been here a lot and seriously hadn't seen the guy named rapist. I put in a lot of flirtiness and he belived me.

             Just when I thought all of this was over......." seen pretty banged up. How come?" The police officer asks.

            I keep my face as normal and neutral as possible. "Well, I have been a little naughty lately." I say biting my lip. I think that did it because he was dieing and had to go home and have sex with his wife or something...I hope not another choice.

            Forget it. I am here to get them away from here. Hopefully they will.  He tells everyone it's clear and they head off and so do I.

           "Speaking of naughty....have you heard about the girl missing all of a sudden. Her name is Rose Blake." He said.

            My blood ran cold. I froze. I hope my face was okay cuz I was literally shitting.

          "Yes. I have. What a loss for that family. I hope that girl is okay!" I said.

         "Yes. The family is having a hard time. They try and search everyday for her but with no use. It's like she has vanished from the face of the Earth." He said.

           I think he didn't know about how I looked and I hoped he never did. Otherwise.......Dank would be in real trouble. "How are the siblings doing?" I asked in a slow voice.

          "The boys are going from door to door, street to street looking for her. The sister, she's having it hard. She kept on saying that she should have known better, she felt like her sister was hiding something." I flinched at that.

           "Why? What does that mean?"

           "Well weird part, Rose said goodbye in an indirect way saying I love you to them all. Especially her parents. She started crying when she said that to them. She made a lame excuse of having a bad dream...."

          You mean a nightmare, I thought. Only that nightmare was a guy that I liked....wait, what did I just think????????

           "So now we are searching for her. If she's still alive then this could be serious." He continued.

             "I hope she's safe." I didn't say alive or found That is what should matter to family.

            He went off and my mind went straight to what I had been thinking before. Did I just say like. Cuz no way do I like him. Yes I am thankful for his help but that's it. I don't like him. And he doesn't like me either.

          "You don't know that." My mind says to me.

         Shutup. We are strictly partners.

         "What type of partners?" My mind said.

         Ugh. Forget this!

           Once they're out of sight, I let go. It was very hard to stand for that long on my legs. I sat down on the ground leaning against the wall. It wasn't over. I had to look for Dank. Where could he be? I hope he's okay...

CLIFFHANGER!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!! JOLLY WHYYYYYY?!?!? Hahahahahahahahahahah!!!!! Sorry but this is life.....Hey!!! Sad news. Very very very very sad news. I am soooooooo sorry but I will update after two weeks BUT BUT BUT I will update two chapters!!!! And don't worry I will update them as two different things just at the same time!!! XOXOXO.
You guys deserve triple^

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