Chapter 15

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So guys, as promised your second chap!! You have to follow the following instructions while reading this:
1. Keep tissues nearby.
2. Try not to scream.
3. If you do then scream very loud.
4. Look at A/N after this.
5. I wanted to make an odd number of list. XD XD

  Rose's POV
            Who would have said that being in your kidnapper's house was gonna be fun. No one. But here I am so happy and glad but only in his house, not being with him. Not as anything like THAT, I mean we are just good at understanding each other. Simple as that.

         So it's been five days since my bad bruise and today finally I can get back to training. Honestly, I'm super excited. I have been begging Dank but, damn that boy knows me. He never budged. I kept saying it and somehow we would end up on top of each other and then  we would have to open the windows because the place would be suffocating of awkwardness. Believe it or not we would cherish those moments. I know right, crazy!

            So this one time I dropped water and went away to get a towel to dry it up. I came back just to see Dank walking towards it. I didn't notice until his foot slipped and he fell over me. Our bodies had no space between them and our faces were only centimeters apart. We stared at each other forever and then I got up apologizing. We both mumbled something or the other and went our separate ways with tomato like faces!

            I don't know why I just recalled that memory. Anyway, back to our awesome day for moí! I got ready in my sweatshirt that went till my waist and sweatpants that were till just below knees. I wore a hoodie on top and came out to the kitchen with my duffel bag. I was so excited today!

           I couldn't see Dank anywhere so I decided to go to the roof for a while. I mean it wouldn't hurt would it. I reached to the top and looked around at the view. It was great nothing special save for the stunt I pulled five days ago. I thought about that day all the time because I had gotten an update on my family. It wasn't surprising but the fact that they are still crying bothered me. It's not like I died or anything. Maybe I shouldn't have cried in front of my parents. Ugh! That was a huge mistake.

            Crying gets a person nowhere. That is why I never cry. I have to pull a stunt and tell them somehow that I am alive and not dead. I also want to tell them I ran away, not anything else. Then, they will understand and STOP being babies.

           I went downstairs to see Dank coming out of his room. And like that we went to our gym.

           We warmed up first and then he told me he'd also come today and run with me. I was surprised but, didn't object. So we ran outside and he matched my pace to be with me. For some reason I hated that so I sped up a little. I pushed myself to get better.

            He checked the timing and his eyes went wide. I did a mental dance in my head. Though I badly preferred it in real life, I didn't.

            And then it was time to fight. I know everything now about fighting but actually doing it is kinda hard. Especially when I have to fight Dank.

            So he decides to go ahead and let me show him what I've got. I don't hesitate.

            I go in after him to land a blow on his abdomen but he reverses it and pushes me to the ground. I get up just as fast to counter-attack and surprisingly land a blow. I continue fighting pretending that whoever is in front of me is that a*w* who had hurt me. I picture him and his idiots and fight so hard. I hated the fact that he got me so angry all of a sudden. I needed to make sure that no matter what I can beat them down.

            I tried calming myself down and keep my concentration. It was hard but I tried managing it. He suddenly locked me from behind. I couldn't open myself. Then I tried something. I turned my hands and pushed him away at the same time with my hands. I got out. He was startled for a second and I took advantage of it. I came in running after him and try landing a blow but he quickly recovers and he pushes me down onto the mat with himself. I try struggling to get out but no use. I give up.

            "I sense I am doing something wrong here." I say.

            "Yup. You are. But I guess that's enough for today. You looked like you wanted to kill me." He said.

            To late we both noticed that we were extremely close. Everything about the a*w* vanished from my mind. All I thought was about him as I looked into those blue eyes making me just want to jump into them. He stared right back.

             I had been thinking how it would feel like to kiss him. How it would feel like if he held me close not because of training or a frikin' stunt but, because he wants to. I had never been scared of making a move but just looking at his lips scared me.

     I moved my eyes up from his lips and looked into those eyes almost pleading. He moved my hair away from my face and behind my ear. His hand caressed my cheek and my heart started beating really fast. Not from training but from the fact that he was closing the distance.

             He was only millimeters apart when my phone beebed. We both jumped and looked towards my duffel bag.

            He got up pulling me with him and I loose my footing like an idiot and almost fall but he catches me and pulls me towards him. I definitely notice his hands on my waist. I look into those eyes and they were trying to pull me towards them.

            "I should check that.", I mumbled and forced my eyes away from his.

            He must have mumbled a 'yes' as well but I tried focusing on getting my phone out. I looked at the screen and it was only a low battery warning. I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding. So close. I was so close!

            I replayed everything that just happened seconds before. I remember how he looked at me. Was it true? Or was my mind playing with me? I don't know but something is going on. I touched my lips. So close...

I just wanted you to look at it. Muhahahahahahahahahahaha!!!But seriously guyz I am now gonna update every week on Saturday or Sunday. But I will so lucky people!! Anyway continue voting.






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