The Turnaround

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Episode reference: season 2, episode 12, The Turnaround

Episode reference: season 2, episode 12, The Turnaround

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Vanessa's POV:

"Turnaround dance, huh? Girls ask the guys. Merry Christmas to me." Shawn says, as we walk past a dance poster

I'm still debating on who I'm going to ask. I know I can't ask Shawn. So it's either Nickolas or Jackson.
Nickolas is sweet, cute, and kinda of popular. Jackson is always chill, cool, nice and popular

"It's about time they had to worry and sweat. And write a list of conversation topics on their hands." Cory says

"You do that?" Shawn asks Cory

"No. Never." Cory says

"liar." I teased Cory

"I am not. I'm just glad the pressure's off. Y'know we just get to sit back and wait." Cory says

"Is that what you think the pressure's off? Dream on girls." Eric says to the boys

"Wait. Come back." Cory says, grabbing Eric's arm and pulling him back "what?" Cory asks

"Look, a turnaround dance tells you where you stand. The girl that asks you tells you who you are." Eric explained

"Well, who are you if nobody asks?" Cory asks

"Then you're you." Eric responded

"Well, how do you get asked by a cool girl?" Cory asks

"Position." Eric says

"Huh?" Cory asks

"Look, you want a cool girl, hang near her locker. Stay in her direct vision. If she can't see you, she can't ask you. Remember position." Eric says

A girl walks by, Eric stops her with his arm

"Hey Jackie, where you headed. Y'know I was just going that way." Eric says, while getting dragged along.

"Ok position: we're in a main hallway between a bathroom and a drinking fountain. There's good foot traffic. All right let's do it." Cory says, Shawn grabs his backpack, Cory tries to trap a poor girl.

"Shawn come on positioning. How do you expect to get asked out with your head in a locker?" Cory says

"Shawn, would you go to the turnaround dance with me?" Becky asks

"Becky, hi, how are ya? Sure I'll go." Shawn says

"Pick ya up at 8:00?" Becky asks

"I'll wear something sexy." Shawn says, Becky walks away, and I headed into the bathroom. The boys would talk about her or any other girl, and I wouldn't listen. When I came out I walked back over to the boys.

"Hey, Cory, Shawn, Nessa, what are you guys doing?" Topanga asks

"Oh, I.... we're just standing and being here..." Cory stutters

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