The Wrong Side Of The Tracks

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Episode reference: season 2, episode 19, The Wrong Side Of The Tracks

Episode reference: season 2, episode 19, The Wrong Side Of The Tracks

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Vanessa's POV:

Cory and I walked up to the lockers where Shawn was with Jill Howager.

"Yes, Shawn, I'd love to go out with you. Shawn." Jill says

"Well, who's Shawn?" Shawn asks

"You are." Jill says

"I know." Shawn says

Jill walks away

"Jill Howager. Wow. This is a whole new type of girl for you." Cory says

"I know. She's got style, she's got elegance, she's got.... parents." Shawn says, I rolled my eyes

"Look baby geeks discovering the female of the species." Eric says, he was sitting on the rail thing that was by the stairs

"I say we tag them and return next spring." Jason says, he is Eric's best friend

"Why don't you return never?" Cory says, he was definitely trying to have the better comeback

"They attempt to protect themselves by puffing up." Eric says

"I don't see you guys with any girls." Shawn says, Eric and Jason laugh

"Oh, please. We only hunt when we need to hunt." Eric says

"Ha ha ha ha. Wabbit season." Jason says, as they see a girl

The boys walk away, hitting Cory and Shawn, then smirking at me.

Cory, Shawn, and I walk away from the two idiots.


"Hey Topanga, you wrote your biography on who?" Mr. Turner asks

"Someone I really admire. Katie Couric." Topanga says

"Oh please "I'm so perky! I have such a big smile!" She's a phony. At least pick someone real." Cory says

"Ok Cory, who are you picking?" Topanga asks

"Big mistake Panga." I said

"Captain James T. Kirk of the uss enterprise." Cory says

"C'mon Matthews, real people. The assignment is biography. Not fiction. Not Captain Kirk." Mr. Turner says, Cory cover his ears "eww-ahh!" Cory shouts, trying to sound out Mr. Turner "captain Kirk is a made up tv character." Mr. Turner says, as he tries to be louder than Cory's weird noises

"It's the truth." Topanga says, as she pulls Cory's arm down

"No, it's not." Cory says

"Matthews, c'mon the guy's 63 years old, he wears a tribble on his head. Doesn't have to be somebody famous, just somebody real. Anybody you like." Mr. Turner says

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