Class Preunion

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Episode reference: season 1, episode 9, Class Preunion

Episode reference: season 1, episode 9, Class Preunion

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Vanessa's POV:

I'm in Feeny's classroom not paying much attention to what's going on.

"Taxation without representation." Mr. Feeny says

"King George." Mr. Feeny said to Minkus

"We provide the colonist with all their finished manufactured goods. We deserve remuneration." Minkus says

"General Washington." Mr. Feeny said pointing towards Cory

"Fine. Keep your goods. Like we need your stinking British goods. We're American. We're independent. We'll get our goods from Japan." Cory says, making almost everyone laugh

"General, I'm dying for you to elaborate." Mr. Feeny says to Cory

"What's the point, Mr. Feeny? We all know we kicked British butt." Cory said

"Winners and losers aside, General. If we do not understand history, we are doomed to repeat its mistakes." Mr. Feeny says

"Oh, who cares about George Washington? Who cares about King George? Was every boring guy in history named George?" Cory asked with sarcasm

Feeny looks at him, Cory smiles

"I meant every dead boring guy." Cory said

"Apparently, the past holds no fascination for you." Mr. Feeny says

"No. It's happened. it's done." Cory said

"It's history." Mr. Feeny says

"I'm saying" Cory said

"Perhaps we should study your history, Mr. Matthews." Mr. Feeny suggested

"I have no history, Mr. Feeny. I'm 11. I'm more interested in my future." Cory said

"Oh, well, then it might be more interesting for us to look into our futures to see if we can avoid our mistakes before they happen." Mr. Feeny says

"I smell an assignment." Shawn says, I shake my head

"I swear, I didn't see it coming." Cory said, shrugging

"The assignment for all of you is to create personal histories for yourselves as if you we're returning for your 20th high school reunion." Mr. Feeny said

"More like a preunion." Minkus said

"Well said, Mr. Minkus. You are the graduating class of the year 2000. What is your profession? Do you have children? Are those children tormenting their sixth grade teacher?" Mr. Feeny joked

"Mr. Feeny, would it be ok if I brought my wife?" Minkus asks

"Oh, come on, Minkus, what's going to marry you?" Shawn asked, sarcastically

"Topanga." Minkus said

Everyone goes "ooh"

"Why, Stuart, I'm flattered that you would consider me as a potential life mate, but I'm not sure I even recognize the institution of marriage." Topanga says

"Trust me, babe, I've seen the future, and it's me." Minkus said while pointing at himself.


"You're going to show up as a tire salesman?" Cory asks Shawn as we sit down

"That's what my dad does." Shawn said

"So?" Cory asks

"I know what to wear. I know how to use a pressure gauge. I can spot a retread from a mile away." Shawn says

"Shawn, you're so boring." Cory says

"And lazy." Shawn said with a smirk

"How about you Nessa?" Cory asks

"Lawyer." I smiled

"Wow fighting for justice seems like you." Shawn shrugged

"How about you, Larry?"

"I got an angle." Larry says

"Let's hear it." Cory says

"I'm going to be a sixth grade teacher. Better yet, I'm going to be Feeny." Larry says

"Why?" Cory asks

"Because imitation is the sincerest form of butt-kissing." Larry said

"Wait a minute. Weren't we supposed to be what we wanted to be? I mean, you're going to grow up to be your dad, you're going to be a lawyer, who wants justice, and you're going to grow up to be a Feeny clone. Am I the only one left here with some vision?" Cory asks

"Rephrase that." I said with order in my voice

"Are Nessa and I the only ones left with some vision?" Cory asks

"What are you going to go as? Shawn asks

"Cory Matthews. Center fielder for the Philadelphia Phillies." Cory said, we all started laughing

"What are you laughing at?" Cory asks, upset with us

"You had 31 errors in little league last season." Shawn said, while laughing

"I'm better at baseball than you are." I said, it was no joke. I'm actually better than him.

"Ok, so I didn't play up to my enormous potential. Come on, guys, let's be what we really want to be. Are we going to be men, or are we going to men with boring jobs?" Cory asks

"We're going to be men!" Shawn shouts

They started barking

"Oh God please help my dear friends." I mumbled


I was wearing a nice blouse with a blazer and "work" pants.

"A tire salesman. I can't believe you came as a tire salesman." Cory says

"And Nessa's husband and muffler specialist." Shawn says

"I ain't marrying you. I told you that in preschool Shawn." I sarcastically said

"Ok, Miss. Big shot lawyer." Shawn says

"What's with the big gut?" Cory asks

"My dad's fat, my uncle's fat, my grandpa's fat. Let's face it, Cor, I'm going to be fat." Shawn explained.

As I walked up to Mr. Feeny it was my turn.

"So Miss. Myers, what are you?" Mr. Feeny asks

"I'm a lawyer. Here's my documents, papers, and records. I'm a well known lawyer, and have spent many years learning how to be the best lawyer I can be."  I smiled

"Well these papers look amazing, as well as your documents, and records. You get an A." Mr. Feeny says.

After school

"Nessa Jim Abbott's in Cory's kitchen!" Shawn said as I picked up the phone

"Shawn stop pranking me." I sighed annoyed

"I'm dead serious Ness." Shawn said

"What?!!" I said, completely shocked.


Shawn, me and a bunch of kids ran in Cory's with baseballs

"I want one too!" Shawn shouts

"Me too!" A kid said

"Apparently I've brought the wrong ball." Minkus said, he brought a basketball.

We got our balls sighed.

964 words

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