The Thrilla in Phila

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Episode reference: season 2, episode 21, The Thrilla in Phila

Episode reference: season 2, episode 21, The Thrilla in Phila

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Shawn's POV:
The hallway

"Hey, guys yearbook time. As you look back on your first year at John Adams, what would you consider your greatest accomplishment and why?" Topanga asks, I sat on the railing of the stair case, Vanessa was standing next to Topanga

"Let's see. I mean, there's so many." Cory says

"It's hard to pick just one." I said

"You guys have no accomplishments." Vanessa says

"There was the time we-" Cory says "no, no, that wasn't us." I interrupted

"What about the time we-" Cory says "also not us." I interrupted

"You guys are the two most pathetic students in this school." Topanga says

"That's an accomplishment." I said

"No it's not." Vanessa says

"Well, what about you, Vanessa?" I asked

"Hunter, I made the A honor roll, all of my teachers love me, and I'm responsible for two idiots named Cory and Shawn." Vanessa says

"She's right. I mean, the year's almost over, and I haven't made a name for myself. And you know whose fault that is?" Cory says

"Your own?" I guessed

"No. Why should I take the fall?" Cory asks "I blame... the jocks." Cory says, looking over towards the jocks

"Why?" I asked

"Because they wear those stupid jackets and therefore get all the girls. What chance do I have?" Cory says

"It's your fault Cory." Vanessa says

Vanessa's POV:
Shawn's picked up by some jock

"Whoa. Major growth spurt." Shawn says

"Too heavy." The jock says, then he drops him

The jock walks over to Cory

"Please don't. I had a fat, heavy breakfast." Cory says, the one jock picks him up the other one covers Cory's mouth

"We've got an opening in the 108 super confetti weight division on the wrestling team, Savage?" Jock #2 says

"Perfect." Jock #1 says, then he puts Cory down

"Congratulations, kid. You're on the wrestling team." Jock #2 says

"Yeah. Like there's a chance in the universe I'd ever want to be on your stupid wrestling team." Cory says, while laughing

"Here's your jacket." Jock #2 says to Cory, handing him a jacket

"Ooh." Cory says

The jock hands Cory his jacket

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