'What Time There is Left'

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*Inko's PoV*

Still fuming from the family meeting we had up in the relaxation area, I sat alone in my room and took a sip of a new gin recipe that I have been trying my hand at recently, my taste buds telling my brain that it was just too sweet. I've taken up the hobby of brewing my own alcohol to try and get my mind off some things.

And if it's not family bickering or anything like that...Then it's probably everything I need to forget for a moment.

Sometimes I didn't feel right with what I did, with any of my children. So far the world only knows of Izuku as being my child, and I atleast want to keep the rest of them a secret, knowing that my first born child was the perfect blend of all their personalities.

But back on to the topic, I want to keep their identities a secret from the rest of the world for the time being...But sometimes, I felt like I had constantly made the wrong choices with them. No doubt leaving the family meeting like I did would've left Izuku, Genjiro, Akira and Ada in turmoil, and I was beyond embarrassed that I acted that way in front of both Tosa and Ochako, the former of which I have not seen for the longest time.

But that was only a minor conflict in a whole ocean of them. Sometimes, I wish I hadn't had my children at all for the sake of their well being. The moment all of them had come into the world on the day they were born, I knew that I wasn't going to be able to give them the life they needed, nor was Hisashi able to.

That was a realization that came to me far too late, if I had just taken the time to find them good and proper homes, or if I had just given up that villain life years ago, then maybe they wouldn't have turned out like this. I thought I was ready to handle the task of raising kids, and I have made it to that extent.

But what mother on God's green earth would, instead of buying their kids legos for their birthdays, get them pistols more powerful then nearly anyone is expected to handle, on their tenth birthday!? I thought of myself as a shambling mess of a mother, and without Hisashi here to help me, I felt so useless in the task of raising our kids.

I was so naive back then, either that, or I just had a bigger pair of testicles then even Hisashi and bit off more than I could chew. What the hell did I know about raising a kid, let alone six of them? I was a killer, and a damn good one, some people deserved it while others didn't but at the end of it all, I did what I believed was necessary.

Sometimes...It feels as though I did everything wrong. And when it came to the upbringing of my kids, it most certainly applied to that as well.

Right now, I was trying my best not to break out into a crying mess and continued to drink my gin until I either pass out from drinking too much, or just to the point that my liver fails. But as I poured the bottle of gin to fill glass, I heard frantic footsteps outside of my quarters, and before I could register what was going on, my best friend from back in my teen years burst through my door.

"Inko, what the hell was all that about!? You just rushed up and out of the room and before I knew what happened you just gave me the slip back in the corridor!" Tosa's shouting was painful for my ears at the moment as I was not exactly in the best of conditions at the moment. "Wait a minute...Is that...Inko, are you drinking alcohol!?"

Her voice was filled with shock as she noticed the glass that I had nearly dropped onto the floor when she burst through my door, and that's when the realization hit me in my tipsy state. I was so pissed off with myself, and slightly at the rest of my children for not telling me, that I had completely and utterly forgot the guests I had over and wanted to make me and my family look presentable.

Because now, I was a shambling, collapsing mess of a woman who was drinking her own batch of gin that I had been working on in secret, smelled of alcohol, and without a doubt ruined today for Tosa and her daughter.

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