'Riot's Repreievement.'

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*3rd Person PoV*

Down at the home gym were the five remaining siblings, Arthur was in a bit of need when it came to the basics of hand-to-hand combat, namely boxing. And of course, given his brother was an aspiring boxer once, he asked if his silver-haired brother Genjiro could help him.

The place was packed with mercenaries that were either hired prior to Izuku's death or new faces that were only taken on because the family had connections to theirs. They couldn't risk taking in anyone else unless they had leverage.

They weren't the only ones down there though, Jason and Ada had come down to make sure no serious fights broke out, or if one did, they'll be the ones to stop. Ever since Izuku's supposed passing, Genjiro's been a lot more aggressive and violent as of lately, and it's been getting progressively worse as the days go by.

The whole household knew why this was the case, and although they weren't enjoying the fact that the now oldest sibling of the Midoriya family was getting out of control, they were just going to have to put up with it until he finished grieving.

As of now, it's been four days since the deadly blast and the family was still in the process of mourning, but they were trying to cope with their significant loss through their own means. Akira is coping with the death of her oldest brother by burying herself in her work, and so far, it was working out well for her.

That's why she wasn't down in the gym with the rest of her brothers and sister, she was keeping herself in her office and doing work to continue the family business. As for Genjiro, he's been trying to deal with Izuku's death by going down to the gym and doing intensive workout routines to push the bad thoughts out of his mind.

Unlike his sister Akira however, it wasn't working out so well for him. But when Arthur asked if his brother could teach him more on boxing earlier today, he thought it might be a nice change of pace to getting the loss of his brother out of his head.

But just like before, that wasn't working so well either.

Right now, Arthur was just after knocking out his opponent as his silver-haired brother watched from the side with Jason standing by on guard and Ada sitting on a bench just to Genjiro's right. Taking a big breath of air to fill his tired lungs, Arthur walked towards the second oldest Midoriya with a smile on his face. "Next one Genjiro!"

"You're not at the fucking fairgrounds anymore Arthur! Get down here and skip me two hundred!" The other three siblings were startled by his sudden outburst to their youngest sibling.

To see what it was that got him so riled up, Jason walked up to his brother and placed a hand on his shoulder. "What's up brother? What did Arthur do to get you so pissed, aye?"

The silver-haired teen merely brushed his closest sibling's hand off his shoulder as he turned around and directed his temper to him. "Isn't it obvious man!? He's literally just after taking the piss out of a fine fighter, why else would I be pissed off!?"

"Genjiro, big brother, I think all the gym is doing to you is stressing you even further." Ada interjected to try and calm her brother's nerves. "Maybe it'll be best if you jus-"

"Be best if I do what Ada!?" Suddenly losing his shit and going full-body, the only thing going through Genjiro's head was the urge to just tear the whole gym apart and sunder it down around all of their heads.

"GENJIRO!" The distorted voice of his younger brother Phage rang out from inside the gym as the second oldest of the six siblings turned his gaze around and saw the orange and black monstrosity behind him, looking at him with a heated glare. Taking a small moment to regain his composure, Jason spoke out to his older brother. "All she was trying to do was help you, maybe you should listen to what she has to say."

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