'Live and Learn'

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*Ochako PoV*

Izuku only looked at his ex with cold, empty contempt, nothing but seething anger filled the expression on his face as he glared at the blonde. "Great, as soon as I come back to my favourite place, she shows up." Seeing that his mood plummeted exponentially, as well as feeling an air of menace around the serial killer, his mother spoke out to him to try and change the subject and fix his mood before he does something irrational. "Hey Izuku, how's about you talk to Uraraka and finish your Bloody Mary. Don't pay the girl any mind okay?" This seemed to somewhat work for Izuku, because he turned back around and, with a complete disregard for what anyone else thought, raised his glass above his head as his mouth distorts and shifts in to the lipless set of death-inflicting jaws she had watched snack down on All Might's liver. He turned the glass over, and to his mother's and my own discomfort, wolfed down the beverage and swallowed down the remaining contents of the glass in a single gulp.

He slammed the crystal glass back onto the table with an audible thud before letting out a monstrous belch. I couldn't help but act grossed out, seeing little drops of his own saliva fly from the torrent of wind that escaped his wicked jaws and nasty teeth that could tear and slice through bones, ligaments and muscle as elegantly as a pair of scissors would with paper. "Okay Uraraka, what you want to talk about!?" He said pretty loudly and distortedly as it caused some people nearby to turn their attention to the red head with worried looks, as if they've seen this happen before. I couldn't help but falter in giving him a response, everything was happening so quickly and I didn't have time to process it all. "I-I, Uuumh, this is a bit much too handle so quickly." "Is it!? Shall I slow down for you, shall I speak at a snail's pace!?" He was obviously starting to lose it, and all I could do was crack a small and nervous smile while sweat drips down from the sides of my head, but all that came to a stop when we heard a loud whistle come from the stair above as we all turn our heads in its direction.

There, from the top of the stairs, was Himiko Toga, staring down at us with a demented and smug grin on her face as a man approached her, one with spiky black hair, and was littered with scars all over his body, some of them getting so bad that I could see visible white stitches on him, including his lower jaw and underneath his eyes. And that's when she did something that nearly got me and Izuku's family killed that night.

She walked up to him, got on her tippy toes, wrapped her arms around him, and all while she still gave Izuku that nasty smile, she entered a lip lock with the stranger. It was obvious that she was trying to get a wry out of Izuku, but I didn't expect it to work too well. Because when I turned back around, Izuku's body was quickly shifting into his Carnage appearance, his ruby-red eyes shifting into the horrifying lenses as his nightmarish teeth remained. I was scared of what would happen, seeing the tendrils spiralling from his body like out of control saw blades before I felt a sudden tug as I glowed green, and before I knew it, I was behind the table with Tomura, Inko and Keiki. "You don't want to be next to him when he explodes. He's about to go into the Smashy Mood." Said the teal-blue-haired man as we all peered our heads over the table to see the madness unfold.

By this point, Izuku had gone full Carnage mode and had gone completely ballistic as he screeched and roared, flipping over many tables while the others he didn't overturn, he grabbed them and threw them all over the place, nearly hitting many of the other villains in the area in the middle of his fit of rage, all while he shouted out loud profanities. "I WANT MY FIRST PECK ON THE CHEEK BACK! STUPID LITTLE BITCH!" This was one of the many things he shouted as he trashed the place, all the while we could hear Toga's laughter from the top of the stairs, causing the family of villains to grit their teeth in anger. Once Izuku calmed down and reverted back to his human self, he sent a few of his tendrils out to fix the damage he did with throwing the tables around the place as Inko and the two Shigarakis got up from behind ours and looked at him with them having worried expressions while I was scared shitless. After everything was sorted, Izuku grabbed a chair and walked to us as he spoke.

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