'Carnage Does Business With The Gambler'

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*Ochako's PoV*

I was completely over the moon to hear Red refer to me by my new nickname while I also understood exactly what he asked of me, but that doesn't mean that I wasn't feeling nervous and even anxious from what the red and black haired villain was planning. Despite this, I pushed these feelings down and replaced them with determination and confidence as I gave Red the biggest a confident smirk, faithful that his plan would work.

"So, are you both ready?" The parasitic villain asked while looking at the both of us, ready to go into his office and begin talking with the english gentleman.

"You know damn well I am boss." Booth stated with great enthusiasm and an excited smile on his face. I on the other hand wasn't feeling as positive about the situation as he or Izuku were. Again, there was that lingering feeling of nervousness that was wedged into the very back of my mind, but I tried my best to repress them and gave the villain my calmest and most confident response.

"Yeah! Let's do this!" I said as I pumped my fist into the air with more enthusiasm then the black anarchist standing next to me, causing a few of the villains, mercenaries, or common thugs to look at me in a little confusion of what they had heard, John and Hayato among them. It was at this point however that a certain someone came over, clearly outraged with what was going on.

"Carnage, please don't tell me what I think you're going to do. This sort of thing falls to me, I'm supposed to be the one in that office with you!" Margate exclaimed, obviously angry that I supposedly took her position.

"Oh come on now Margate, this'll be just a one time thing and then you'll never have to deal with a situation like this again." As we started to follow Red towards his office, the bartender got between him and the hallway that led to his office, stopping us in our tracks as Booth seemed to get agitated along with Red.

"That's what you said when you brought Booth the last time and kept me back here! And not only are you bringing the anarchy loving maniac with you again, but also this fucking nobody who doesn't know the first thing about the world we live in! She doesn't know how to fight, she doesn't know what we do every day, she doesn't know shit!" She was absolutely right about all of that, I don't know how to fight like Red does or even what exactly he does every waking day besides run the casino and kill people. And those words cut deep.

Her words suddenly threw a wrench into the machine that was my confidence, I thought that I was probably incapable of doing something like this, that I'd just drag and slow down the red and black-haired villain that I came to cherish. And that was something I really felt horrible about. It seemed as though Red wasn't as happy to hear what she had to say to him though because I watched him turn into the monster the whole world knows him as, and he was holding a serious and toothy scowl on his face while glaring down at Margate as he spoke to her.

"Margate...Have some fucking faith about you, eh? I'm taking Booth and Chocola with me, and that's that. Now, would you kindly move out of my way please?" He stated to her with a deadly blunt tone with a slight hint of malice and anger towards the end of his sentence while simultaneously bearing his clawed right hand up in a threatening display while he grabbed the bartender by the shoulder with his left.

I could see the mild look of fear just shining in Margate's eyes for a moment before she did finally move out of Red's way, albeit reluctantly while also throwing both me and Booth a scowl as we walked past her. To that, the anarchist flipped her the bird while he sneakily placed something in his pocket, which almost got past me to be honest but I had just about managed to notice the action just from the corner of my eye.

I had the suspicion that it's regarding Izuku's plan to keep the casino out of John's hands, it was just a shame that I didn't catch what it exactly was though. Shortly enough though, we made it to the start of the hallway that both Richard's were standing at wait and waiting for us. As we approached though, Margate's words replayed inside my head, making me feel insecure and uncertain that I was really worth taking under Red's wing.

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