'When the Madness Begins'

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*Inside L.U.X, Izuku's PoV*

As Ochako and I led her classmates from U.A into the corridor and down the stairwell that led to the clubroom itself, I could feel the gaze of a few students tear into me like rabid dogs, Kaachan's included. It was alright, as long as Chocola and myself are having a decent time, that's good enough for me. Though

I'll admit, it was pretty unnerving, and I did not want this to continue for the entire day.

Hopefully I could make a somewhat first good impression, what Bakugou did a little earlier was him basically asking for it. We walked down the stairs in a double file line with Chocola and myself at the front to lead them. "So the clubroom is just behind that door?" A tall guy called Mezo Shoji asked, overlooking the rest of the students as he was the tallest out of the entire class.

Though if I was my real self, they'd find that he was far from the tallest person here. "Yeah, we've got a pool table inside, a bar, a karaoke station along with a private room, as well as a musicians area for those who want to show off their talent as musicians."

"Pfft, I doubt they're any good from an extra nobody." The ash-blonde barked from the back of the line, causing my face to wrinkle when I scowled.

Just as I turned back to throw a comment at him, the redhead of their class, the same boy I used as a dog toy during the U.S.J, Eijiro Kirishima, placed an arm over his shoulder and spoke out to me from the back of the line. "Just ignore him bro, he's been in a pretty crappy mood all day." He flashed me a toothy grin as he said this. Poor fool.

"That is not him in a crappy mood, that is him being a smug prick." I said to myself mentally before walking to the door and knocking on it.

After a moment or two, the slide on the door moved and two pairs of eyes looked at me. "Who is this?" The voice of a black man asked behind the door as he eyed me up and down.

Approaching the door, I looked straight back at him and gave him a blunt answer. "Tommy Gillen, you know me Jeremiah." I responded in a friendly tone while smiling, but made sure that I winked with my left eye. The side of my face that was turned away from Chocola's classmates.

In truth, the guy I was talking to behind the door was actually Booth. I had him prepare the place before we arrived while I also helped him select a temporary attire for the day. He looked rather shnazzy in a suit and tie if I do say so myself. Booth laughed from behind the door as he realized that I was here, albeit under a false identity, and immediately shut the eye slide, unlocked the door, and opened it up.

"Well well well, look who it is brother!" He cheered with a bright smile on his face before the two of us embraced one another in a hug.

"Haha, did you miss me while I was away?" I asked him with a smile just as bright as his as we walked inside with him tossing an arm over my shoulder and vice versa.

"Hahaha, I missed you like a baby that missed it's mama's tiddy!" As those words left Booth's lips, myself and him began to cackle like wild hyenas to the point I almost keeled over and dropped to the floor. Leave to Booth to make a hilarious introduction.

As we got ourselves 'reacquainted', the students of Class 1-A looked on at us with an unsettled expression except Chocola, who was more than accustomed to how Booth and I interact with each other. "Is this normal between them?" Toru asked Ochako as Booth and I continued to converse amongst ourselves.

Ochako, with a hollow expression and small smile on her face, gave her the simple answer that this was pretty much how we spoke to one another. "Umm, Gillen?" Yaoyorozu asked as she and the others walked inside the room. "Perhaps we can get started sometime today?" Her brow was raised up and holding an incredulous expression.

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