'The Deadly Blast No One Saw Coming'

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*3rd Person PoV, 9 years ago*

They remembered that day as if it happened just minutes ago, the screams of two adults bounced around from inside their heads ever since that harrowing day. Genjiro and Jason grew up like propper twins for the first six years of their lives, the two were as happy as one could be. And as it turned out, Inko managed to find the two of them a good home and a good family.

The two younger brothers of the blood beast the world would know as Carnage were very playful and very outgoing, the friendliest kids in their entire neighbourhood, and they were the ones in charge. But as a wise man once said, you all can go insane with just one bad day. Granted, insanity never really claimed either of the two brothers, but they had the great misfortune of losing everything on one particular day.

The day their quirks manifested.

It was their second year in elementary and the two brothers were called into the principal's office for something that had happened earlier that day. As it turns out, on school grounds, a group of three small boys that attended the school were being viciously rude and were harassing two girls that were lovely friends with the two brothers.

Although at the time, Jason and Genjiro were diagnosed as quirkless, it didn't stop either of them from being the top kids in their neighbourhood. And unlike their older brother Izuku who had seriously shit luck on his adopted parents, Genjiro and Jason's were among some of the nicest people they had ever come to know. When the news was broken to them about being quirkless, the two parents did everything in their power to make life as easy and as simple for the two as they possibly can.

They used everything in their power to make sure the two were enrolled into nice schools where they won't be bullied due to them having no quirk, and they were extremely supportive of their dreams. For Genjiro, he wanted to be a wrestler and own a gym of his very own when he grew up while Jason wanted to live a simple life of being a doctor to help people, and their parents were both extremely supportive of their goals and happy that this didn't affect their children in a bad way.

All those happy days, all those dreams, were now nothing more than smoldering, painful memories to them when that day occurred. Just like with Izuku, the doctor was wrong, and their quirks manifested two years later after their initial diagnosis.

It was a roughly stressful time in their lives. Their parents then were getting in a few arguments and were considering getting divorced, which as a kid, can make things rather difficult to handle. On that morning, the two brothers were particularly stressed out and were immediately enraged at seeing their friends getting bullied around. Out of the two, Genjiro was easily a lot more irritable, having inherited his birth father's lack of patience, and went to the extreme with Jason as they literally beat one of the boys into unconsciousness.

Needless to say, they were called to the principal's office with their parents later that day...It was the last day the two ever saw their parents.

Days would pass and the two brothers were completely alone, having run away from the school when they realized what happened and vowing that they'd stick together from here on. They had no one to turn to but themselves, no one to talk to but themselves, and no one to rely on but themselves. That's how it went for a whole week straight until on a Saturday afternoon. Genjiro and Jason were walking through the woods one day, trying to find a nice and quiet place to relax for a few minutes before stopping when they approached a clearing.

They hid behind the bush the instant the sounds of an older woman speaking dropped onto their ears, followed by the sound of a young boy who sounded roughly at their age. Although their primary instinct usually is to just get the hell out of there before they were seen, their curiosity won them over and they couldn't help but peek their heads out. In the middle of this peaceful clearing, the sun shone down from the centre and onto the two figures there, the woman and what appeared to be her child.

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