'The Top Dogs'

273 7 51

3rd Person PoV

The door to L.U.X's main office opens up and Izuku walks inside, bringing in Ochako with one hand, a bucket of ice in the other, and a damp cloth held in a tendril that stretches from the back of his left shoulder. "Here, have a seat there." The serial killer said in a quiet but authoritative tone of voice while pointing to the red leather couch by the wall next to the door. He walked over to his desk and placed the bucket on top, moving papers out of the road while he took the cloth from the tendril and grabbing some ice cubes. "Your head must be throbbing at the moment. This should help you out with the headache if only a-MMPH!?"

The minute he turned back around, he was cut short off from his sentence when hands suddenly cupped his face and his lips were sealed by another pair, these lips being much more lush and soft then his mildly chapped and rougher ones.

Ochako held his head firmly in her hands while she kissed him ferociously, moving her arms to wrap them around his neck and pulling him in closer to her. She gripped at his hood and tugged on it, pulling Izuku's head back a bit and prying his lips off of hers before she pushed him back down onto the table. The serial killer accidently knocked the bucket off the table along with some papers when he was forced onto his back.

Now, both he and Ochako were laying on the table, the brunette's body laying atop her boyfriend's, her eyes that are filled with a want gazed straight into his confused and mildly panicked ones. "Izuku~" Her face flushed a very deep shade of red, her eyes were lidded and her voice filled to the brim with a scorching hot lust. Her expression, her posture, her gesture, the littlest movements she made. It all screamed that she desired one thing. Him.

"C-C-Ch-Chocola?" Izuku, despite the dark life he has lived to this point, had no idea how to handle a situation like this. For about a year or two he was invited to parties by his brothers and spent some nights with a few girls, but he never desired to pursue anything of the sorts. He shared a room with more than two girls at a time, but that's only so they could have fun with each other while he either watched or tried to sleep. Of course, it all depended if he wasn't feeling up for committing further acts of cannibalism. "W-W-What's g-gotten in-into you?" He asked as a dumbfounded and goofy grin formed on his lips.

"I-I don't know." The brunette spoke softly. "I just felt so empowered after pinning Bakugou on a wall. I felt like dead weight was lifted from my back. I feel happy. So so happy~ I feel...free~" Her eyes darted all over the place as she spoke before they settled on his trapeze muscle. "I-I-I feel so...So...Thirsty~"

"I-is that so?" Izuku stuttered as his skin distorted, as if it were cream inside a mixer that was slowly spinning and melted chocolate was added into it. Colors blended between the usual creamy skin color that ordinary and healthy people would have, the tone he was using to disguise himself, and the deathly pale tone that the serial killer has had since the day he was gutted. "I-if you want I can g-g-get Bo-Booth in here an-hmmph?"

"Shut up." The brunette demanded, though her tone was soft and quiet, like a mother cooing to her baby while Ochako pressed her finger onto Izuku's lips. "I want to enjoy this." She leaned into his face again while her right hand moved the hood of his hoodie aside, along with the collar of his shirt underneath. "I want to know what it's like...I wanna do some real, REAL bad things with you~"

"HOLY FUCK, WHAT DO I DO IN THIS SITUATION!?" The redhead thought to himself as his brain came to the verge of overheating. "H-hold on Ochako, this s-s-seems a ta-tad bit sudden."

"Just like your little playtime with the McCaul's?" The hazed brunette responded in a wry yet playful tone. She leaned in close to Izuku's face, her eyes half lidded and filled with a desire untamed, a complete and utter contrast to her lover's confused and shocked expression, his eyes open wide and a very nervous smile plastering his face as he blushed madly. "Now, lay down and let your girlfriend show yo-Hrrghk!" And with that, the moment was quickly ruined. "Oh god, I'm gonna be-Hrgh!" Ochako tried to get a sentence out, but was cut off when her stomach wretched.

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