'Meeting The Family'

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I tossed and turned in my sleep as I felt the little rays of sunlight shine into my eyes as it bled through my slightly open curtains before the morning ended my deep sleep. I begrudgingly opened my eyes with my left hand going up and gently rubbing the orb on the same side of my face before turning onto my back and sitting up straight before letting out a massive yawn, stretching my arms while I did. It was at that moment that I heard a voice inside my room, one that I had heard before back at the U.S.J. "Looks like you slept well." His voice was a little deep and dare I say angsty when I suddenly remember what happened the previous night before snapping my head in the direction the voice came from.

There, in the corner of my room, stood the monster disguised as a teenage boy, Izuku Midoriya, or Carnage the world came to know him...Completely naked! I felt my face burn with a crimson blush a little before snapping out of it and letting out a disturbed squeal before a few red and black appendages seep from my mouth and close it shut, cutting me off from making the loud scream I would've let out. "Ah ah ah Uraraka, like I mentioned the previous night. I don't want my cover being blown yet don't I?" The slime that covered my mouth receded as I looked away with the same scarlet red blush on my face, putting a hand just in front of my right eye so I can't see him in all his naked glory. "W-wha-why aren't you wearing anything!?" I said in an incredibly startled and uncomfortable tone as he responded. "Isn't it obvious? I don't have any clothes."

This was not how I was expecting the morning to start out at all, it was shocking to say the least. I turned back around and gave him an angry look while he just looked at me with a plain smirk on his face as I retorted to him. "You can shift your body to whatever you want right!? Then just morph it so you're wearing clothes!" He only looked at me with a bored and tired expression, almost as if I had ruined his fun before he adorns a look of surprise and wonder before looking back to me and giving me a mischievous grin. "Well Uraraka, while we're on the subject of me shape shifting, and since you somewhat know the warmth of a boy...Maybe I can show you what a girl would be like?" He said this in a flirty tone as his voice turned feminine before I watched as his body twist and swirl before the unmistakable form of a girl is in front of me. When it stopped, a girl who was just a bit taller then me was standing in the corner of the room, completely bare to the wind as she sported a large and curvaceous body.

She had a deep, crimson red hair with large black accents running through her messy locks that reached down to her waist, her pale skin shining in what sun light there was in the room before I looked deep into her eyes, her gleaming, ruby-red eyes that shined like the actual gem stones as I made out the details of her face. She had black freckles on her pale cheeks with a nice set of lips that any girl would kill to have, her smile being that of mischievousness and wonder with it being curled up into a smirk. And then it finally hits me that this woman was still Izuku, only shifted into what I can only assume he would look like if he was a girl. I tried to move back a little, my mind was still completely over the place with what was currently going on, but she was already leaning above me as the villain cupped my face in HIS hands. Despite being made of sludge, his skin felt incredibly soft and smooth as he looked at me.

"So Uraraka, are you ready to press lips~?" He asked me with a voice that sounded just like a girl's as my mind immediately went mad with what he had told me. "NO WAY, HE'S PLANNING TO KISS ME!? I DON'T WANT THAT, I WAS SAVING MY FIRST KISS FOR KATSU, THAT'S THE ONLY PERSON I'M GIVING IT TO NO MATTER WHAT!" "Ugh, you're seriously still in love with that trash bag?" Said the monster as his voice returned to its normal masculine one as he quickly deformed and sunk back into my body, which was apparently connected to a tendril that was protruding from my shoulder the whole time before I heard him speak inside my head with his distorted Carnage voice coming back. "I cannot believe I'm saying this to someone so wimpy, but trust me Uraraka, that blonde shit-stain really doesn't love you. I don't know how you're still feeling that way about him, but with all due respect, in the nicest way possible, your brain seriously needs a reboot."

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