'A Glimpse Of Deep Within'

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Momo stood there, completely paralyzed as fear began to sink into her heart, her body started trembling as she very nearly dropped the sword she was holding from her violently shaking hands. Izuku seemed to have noticed her sudden shift of emotions, and immediately frowned upon the sight. "What's wrong, you look like someone had just walked all over your grave. Oh, don't tell me you're backing out already just from finding out what group I'm from, I didn't even go on any of the missions. Otherwise, you'd know exactly who I was already." Izuku went from eager and somewhat excited to irritated in the blink of an eye, he wasn't happy to see Momo suddenly waver just from finding out one certain aspect about him.

Momo was scared shitless, although Blood Rose was a new and upcoming villain syndicate in Japan, they showed that they mean business. Because every scene left behind in their wake was a horrific show, arms and legs removed from their bodies and rearranged, their heads torn off and left about the place like decorative ornaments. Heck, one time, there was a man that had his entire stomach cavity ripped out with all the organs removed, only to be filled with the hearts of many other citizens who were unfortunate enough to be at the receiving end of whoever was behind the massacre. She knew that the people a part of the syndicate were violent, and she'd never heard of any mention that a boy around her age was in it.

"I-I don't understand! W-wh-why would you join Blood Rose!?" At this, Izuku only chuckled in response to the girl's question, his mood brightening a little as he saw that she's starting to lose her composure. "Hehehe, why would I join Blood Rose? It's simple really, my mom works in the syndicate. I owe my mom a lot for what she's done for me, and it also helped with the fact that she gave me to adoption given her line of work. Now if only she was able to have good judgement, because I was given to two people that I honestly have a whole list to describe them as." As he told her his explanation, as well as him getting off track of it slightly along with the current situation, Momo noticed that in his voice, as well as on his face, there wasn't even a hint of wanting pity whatsoever.

"Anyways, are you going to fight me or are you going to run, come on now which one is it?" He asked her with a bored expression on his face. Seeing that if she doesn't give him a response after seeing how he reacted earlier, she could really piss him off, and something seems to be telling her to avoid him from branching down that path. If it's cowards he doesn't like, then she knows what must be done. Taking in a deep breath and steeling her nerves, she tightened her grip on her blade and got into a combat stance. At this, Izuku's excitement skyrocketed as he praised the onyx-haired girl. "And look at that, you've managed to get yourself composed and ready to fight! Yes, finally someone my age who won't run from a fight with me!"

"No way, is this what he craves for? I don't believe he joined Blood Rose because his mother is in it. This seems to be more a likely explanation, he's just in it for the fun of it, for the suffering of others. How repulsive." Momo bared her teeth as she scowled angrily at the boy, who looked at her a little confused while the onyx-haired vice rep of the class dropped her blade and created two new one-handed swords. Seeing this, the boy only gave her a mutual smile as he spoke. "I take it you're finished with your preparations?" He asked her as Momo remained silent while moved her legs back, ready to charge at the boy at full speed. "Alright, then let the massacre begin."

At this, the red and black-haired villain walked closer to her at a slow and steady pace, confusing Momo as to why he's not rushing them like the other thugs from earlier. And then it hits her, he was so confident in himself that he's giving her a chance to steel her emotions and her mind for what's to come. "Is he actually that full of himself? Typical of villains, arrogance is going to get you arrested or possibly killed." Thought the creation user as she stood there, glaring him down while also searching for an opening once he's close enough. Although she had no intention of killing him, she considered on going for the neck to get him to dodge the attack, only for her to follow it up by a leg sweep. She figured that would work well enough to apprehend him, and so she decided to opt for this technique while she thought back to her friends.

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