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I woke up, to the curtains apart and the bright sun shining down onto my face. I must have forgot to close them, shit.

I rub my eyes, sitting myself up using my elbows. I immediately look to the left of me, to see Harry sound asleep.

I smile, and the memory of last night came flooding back. It was pleasurable, and it made me feel amazing. It makes a big difference if you've had kids and then have sex a while after, it feels like you are experiencing the pleasure for the first time.

I swing my legs around, and walk to the bathroom. I still smell sweaty from last night. After me and harry left the shower yesterday we were still going at it on the bed, we stopped when we heard Eleanor and Louis come through the door arguing about something.

I turn on the steaming hot water, watching it run fast. I lock the door after me and strip down, throwing my clothes into the basket under the sink.


I wrap my hair up in a towel, and my body, then go to brush my teeth. I haven't got any plans for today, I might just sun bathe with El and talk about stuff. Plus I really want to know what's going on between her and louis, they were really loud last night.

After brushing, I unlocked the door to see Harry out on the balcony drinking a glass of water over looking the view. I sneak up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and kissing the back of his neck.

"Mm morning beautiful" he turns to me and grins, kissing my softly on the cheek.

"What you doing out here?" I rub circles in his back, looking into his green eyes that sparkle with the sun reflecting on them.

"I could hear eleanor and Louis arguing this morning so I stepped out, I didn't like it" he shrugged, looking back over at the view.

I stay silent, turning on my heel to my wardrobe. I must get changed and see what's going on, I hope they're alright and nothing serious has happend.

I pick out a lace bra and underwear with white shorts and a light blue tank top. I put on my blue sandler, then head to the bathroom.

"harry! Can you do my hair please!" I shout outs, hearing Harry's footsteps towards me.

"What do you want me to do?" He swiftly turns into the bathroom, and looks at the mirror with me.

"French braid please" I smile, and just let him get on with it. He learns his good hair styles from Lottie and Louise.


"Sit, please" I stick my bottEM lip out, hoping eleanor will just sit down and tell me what's happend.

"I don't want to talk about it Ken" she keeps her arms crossed and her eyes away from mine.

"I think I deserve to know since you woke me and harry up both last night and this morning. You're at our honeymoon home, and I'm your best friend" I raise my eyebrow, seeing her huff and sit.

"So what happend then? Where is louis?"

"He's gone." She didn't show any emotion in her face at all.

"What? Seriously El, what's going on?" I don't get this. One minute they're so happy and the next they hate each other.

"okay. He basically blurted out to me that him and Zayn went on a trip and he got pissed and kissed this Munter in the pool. He cheated on me Kendall. I thought I could trust him and that he would never do that. When he told me he didn't even seem upset about it, he thought I would forgive him easily and run into his arms" I look up to see her crying and sniffing.

"I'm sorry El. I didn't mean to pressure it out of you, it's alright" I smile, seeing her nod.

"We are all here for you love, me and kendall" harry speaks, leaning on the door frame. He must of been listening.

A sudden thought came into my head on how I can cheer up eleanor, oh she will love this!

"Harry, go and take eleanor to clean up a bit then come back out?" I widened my eyes telling him I'm planning something and he just nods.

As soon as I see them out of my eye sight, I don't hesitate to take my phone out of my pocket and look through my contacts.

I find the name, and click on it, bringing it to my ear and listing to the constant ringing, until I heard his voice.


"Hello, it's kendall Jenner, Eleanor's bestfriend!" I smile

"Oh hello Kendall. How're you?"

"I'm good thankyou. Has eleanor told you what's happens?"

"With louis? Yes unfortunatly! Feel sorry for her,poor girl" I had already sense the sadness in his face.

"Well, she really needs to be surrounded by her bestfriends. So, I've booked a jet to pick you, Alana, DanielleB and Megan up. How you'll enjoy the sun for a week!" I smile big, feeling quite proud

"Ah no love! It's your honeymoon, it's fine"

"Seriously, this was mine and Harry's idea, we want you guys here! Plane leaves in 2hours. See you tonight Max!"

I quickly end the call before he can say anything else. Ah, eleanor is going to love this surprise. She loves Max! They're starting a company soon called CalderHurd Ltd. I've already given £40.000 as my present.

I just hope they turn up tonight.

** oh my god guys I'm back haha!

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