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**another update!! In the next chapter, I'm going to decide the baby names:D please keep giving them in, if yours get chosen you can have a shoutout from 3chapters hopefully:) there's going to be Louis,Liam,Zayn and Niall in this! I know you guys have been saying they aren't in this enough, sorry:( please keep voting and commenting!**


-5days later-

"Niall I think you've had enough Pizza!" I giggled to myself while messing around with Nialls hair.

"Come on Hazza I'm hungry!" He leans over picking up get another slice of double cheese pizza.

" was good! Ima gunna get Perrie over!" Zayn jumps up leaping towards the kitchen.

Today has been a good day! We recored You&I and it sounds amazing. I can't wait until everyone hears it.

"Shall I get el over?" Louis shrugs while snuggled up to Liam on the sofa. Is everybody really bringing back their girls? Mines still in Australia.

She's travelling back tonight and won't be home until tomorrow afternoon.

Ever since she left, I have been miserable. I've stayed with Niall the whole time. We've spoke on the phone, but not for long. She's always busy, and I could tell she hates it.

I just can't wait until she gets back home. I just want to give her a massive cuddle and see my little baby.

I snap out of my gaze to the buzzing of my phone in my pocket. I dig my hand in my tight pocket from these jeans. Gosh I am really thinking on going back to chinos.

I pull it out, looking at the caller ID. It's kendall. What a coincidence.

"Hey babe alright?" I fiddle around with the little pieces of my jeans that are loose.

"Hey haz! Just thought I'd let you know I've landed!" I shot up, immediately looking at my clock. What?

"Y-you were supposed to be home tomorrow.."

"No? I get home today. Come pick me up please babe?" I check the clock again. I'm a good 10minute drive away. But realising my excitement it will take me less than 5 I think.

"On my way!" I end the call and grab my eyes off the coffee table.

I shout up to all the boys that are scattered around the house calling their girls over.

"GUYS! I'm bringing Kendall over, be right back!" And I left like that. Slamming the door after me and jogging to my car. There was a couple of fans wanting pictures with me. I had to let them, some camped out here waiting just to catch a glimpse of me.

I unlocked my car, heading for Miami airport.


I sat outside the entrance of the airport in my car. I've been here for a good 1O minutes..I thought she would be here by now.

I just started at a couple of teenagers wearing 1D tshirts. They probably expected me to show up. Thank god they can't see me..I have tinted windows.

I blink my eyes fast which bring me back to reality. I hear the screams of the girls get really loud. That's my cue.

I turn on my engine and drive forward a bit. And out come my beautiful girl. She had we shades on, and a baggy tshirt of, good thinking!

She dumps her suitcase in the back and runs straight into the front. Right now, I had 6 security guards around my car stopping fans from trying to break in.

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