Chapter53-Wedding Planning.

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* Taylor swifts new song just keeps getting stuck in my head! Gr! I cannot stand that girl.

Shake it off was such a good song until she began going on about boyfriends and shit. She won't give it a rest fgs.


But oh my god Fireproof is amazing don't you think?

Please keep voting and commenting, thankyou:)**


I woke up to the sound of Daniel or Demi crying.

Normally parents would think 'oh I just want to sleep'. But I'm so happy.

This is my first wake up with the kids. I was extremely happy.

I jumped up, and looked at the time.


I turned to my side seeing Harry flat out asleep, bless him. I lightly giggled to myself and kissed him on the cheek.

I pulled myself up, straddling to the kids room.

It's Daniel crying, and Demis just looking around. I picked up Daniel and rocked him, giving him his dummy. This is amazing, haha.

I'm so happy and complete. I just feel like crying at this very moment.

After what seems like hours of rocking him, he finally settled down. Wow that was quick. I hope its that easy every time. 

I place him down with his sister, who is lightly snooring, bless her. I kissed both their foreheads, and headed back to the bedroom. Since harrys still asleep, i might aswell tick things off the wedding list, ive got nothing else to do.

I sat down on the bed and opened my draw which revealed a long list of things for the wedding.

Bridesmaids: Perrie, Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, Gemma, Kylie and Sophia.

MaidOfH: Eleanor.

Bestman: Ed.

Beside Haz: The boys.

Flowers: Check.

Dress: Check.

Suits: Check.

Bridesmaids dresses: Check.

Flowers: Check. 

Ceremony: Winsores Church.

Reception: Lilians Resort.

Babysitters for the night: Shannon and Claire.

 blah blah blah etc..

All thats left to do is pick up the purses for the brides maids and move all the stuff into the reception the day before the wedding. God, everything is going the way it should be.

I smiled to myself, putting the list back into the draw and leant back down into the bed thinking about everything. So much has happend this year.

The kids had their first birthday and so did Penelope, so we decided to go Disney land as 2 Familes and spend a week there. Me and Harry spend 3weeks in Mexico at a private resort with the kiddies all on our own in May. It was amazing, Harry did a few concerts there with the lads so we got to stay at the resort for free.

The christmas we stayed with Harrys parents and also at Nannys in LA. So it's been pretty hetic. But it always is when you first have your children, people want to visit them more often, etc.

I got snapped out of my happy gaze when Harry lifted his head, grumbling like a grumbling troll or something, haha.

"Morning sleepy head. Nice sleep?" I kissed him softly and ruffled with his hair.

"Morning babe, yeah thankyou!" He kissed me back, holding onto my neck as it deepend. I pulled back, seeing a frown appear on his face, but soon faded when i jumped on top of him kissing him back. I love this man so much, dont know what id be without him.

I deepend the kiss, and Harry tryed pulling my top off. 

"Nuh-ah! I've got a photoshoot in a bit and you promised to look after the kids remember?" I poked his nose, and he pulled his head down in frustration.

"Ah shit yeah...but before you get ready..can you take care of that for me please?" I looked at him, confused at first. That is until he pointed down at his hard on erect dick. Why didnt i feel that?

I just laughed, before pulling the covers over me, and sorting out Harrys little problem...Or big should i say.


"Im off now Harry, give me a kiss now.." I shouted up the stairs for Harry to come down and say goodbye before i head off to Rouge. 

I smiled once hearing the loud thumping footsteps of him jumping down the stairs.

I turned around, almost being blown back by Harry, who crashed his lips onto mine almost immediantly. But i didnt complain, i kissed him back almost twice as hard. 

I parted from him, when i didnt want to, but i sadly had to go. I didnt want to miss this, its a pre-wedding photoshoot. They take pictures of me in a random wedding dress thats not actualy mine, which is strange.

I gave him one last quick hug, before jogging up to my car, and jumping in, dumping my bag and other bits in the front seat beside me.

My last photoshoot being Miss Jenner, ah it sounds all so exciting, eek!




"Pose for us Miss Jenner!" I gave this my sassy look, with my back slightly leant back with my finger in my mouth seductively. I can imagine Harry now, probably getting another hard on.

For a while now he's been getting erect a lot. I dont know why, hmm.

I've just done my bits from my wedding dress, now im having a photoshoot with this man who's slowly biting down my leg strap and me pretending to gasp. This is me and Harry on our wedding night. 

God im going to make his whole body sore on that night, haha.

** Theres only a few chapters left of this story! 

Should i make a second book or not?

Give me ideas,  cheers.

Please keep commenting and voting, thankyou:) **

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