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**the baby is coming up in the next couple of chapters! Having fun writing these:D

Is everyone enjoying this book? Is there anything I need to improve on?

I know that I've got to make my chapters longer but I can't be asked! I will write them as long and short as I want.

I need some baby names as well:))

Please keep voting and commenting:)**


-the next day-

Grabbing the last of my shoes and dumping them in my suitcase before zipping it all up.

This morning was so intense between me and Harry. Deep down he doesn't want me going. I don't either. But since I've got this baby, I have to make the most of my career because in a couple of months, I will be done for a while.

I lift up my suitcase, wheeling is across the floor towards the front door.

I swing it open, placing my left foot in front to hold the door open while I drag my suitcase to Harry's car.

He insisted he drives me there and gives me a proper goodbye. I didn't hesitate to give him an answer..which was yes of course.

He was already in the car, he's been so moody this morning. Yes I get that I'm going away for a week and he doesn't like that. But how's he going to feel when I'm going to be like that for months and months!

I lift my suitcase into the boot and slam it shut..heading towards the front seat I come face to face with Harry..who has tears streaming down him face and his eyes are all puffy.

Why is he crying?

"Why are you cryin baby?" I lean over an give him a hug.

"I don't want you to go..I don't want to go. I want to stay here..with you and the baby." He sobs even harder against my shoulder. If I'm honest he is acting like a bit of a child.

I rub his back slowly before pushing him back so I can sit in my normal position.

"Harry..this is going to be happening a lot. But as soon as out contracts end, we will be free" I smile at him, only to see him slightly nodding at me.

The ride to the airport was quiet. A few small talks but that's it really. Nothing interesting.

I go onto my phone, and click on to Instagram. I haven't posted anything in a while.

I see that the last thing I posted was the video of harry giving out tickets to fans. Bless him!

I go through my camera roll trying to find a good photo to upload. Then I come across's of me stood in the bathroom taking a picture of my belly. I was 2weeks pregnant. It didn't look differnt. But it was only 2weeks.

I end up choosing one of me and Kylie in turkey sun bathing!

'Gunna miss my sister so much! Love you Kyz!

I smile again before locking my screen. I look up to see harry Parkin outside the airport entrance. Gosh we got here fast.

I felt my stomach make a horrible noise. I hate saying goodbye. It was like this when I went to japan. But for some reason, it was different this time. Maybe because I'm pregnant or something else.

I unbuckle my seat belt and just sit there is silent.

I fiddled around with my fingers before I finally spoke up.

"I better get going..I can hear the paparazzi from miles away" I lightly laugh and follow harry out the car.

He opened the car boot, dumping my suitcase of the floor and shutting the boot.

I looked up at his beautiful green eyes and I could feel the tears building up at the back of my eyes. I really did try and keep them in, for him. But just looking at his expression on his upset he looked, just made me burst out crying.

I flung myself into his arms, only to feel him squeeze me so tight that I could barely breathe. But I didn't care, I didn't want to leave from his amazing hug.

I pushed back, and immediately linking our soft lips together, he didn't hesitate to respond which was amazing.

We were stood there for a good couple of minutes, trying to find a way to make this goodbye easy, but we couldn't.

I looked up at harry for the last time, and we were both crying at this point. He wiped away a tear that's was slowly streaming down my left cheek, and kissed me.

He shot back once he could faintly here screams. He cuddled me once more..

"Have a great time beautiful. I love you with all my heart. And please be safe.."

I told him I love him too, before grabbing my suitcase and walking to the security guard waiting to take me to my jet.

I looked back a final time, to see harry sat in the path with his head in his hands..

Why is this hurting him so much? What's going on with him?

**another shit chapter, sorry. Please keep reading much more is going to happen you will love it!! Keep voting and commenting aswell thankyou!! Love you guys lots!

And I also need baby names!!**

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