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It's so hot here. I lay out in the sun for seconds and I'm already sweating.

I'm tired of going in and out of the pool every second just to cool off.

I groan, sitting up to go to the kitchen. The air conditioning in there will make me feel


I slid open the door, and hear my phone ringing on the side.


"Kenny? It's el, how's your holiday going?"

"Hey el! It's going great, just kind of bored yanno?" I frowned..Harry's not here because he's out buying food and stuff.

"Aw bae..wish I could help you"

"Wait...why don't you and Louis come out?" I stood up straight, feeling kind of happy.

"What? Are you nuts ken? It's your honeymoon, plus Harry would be angry" I took a lold sigh. Harry surely can't expect me to sit around all the time bored.

"I'm serious..harry won't mind. He will be happy to have a mate over like Louis. Its been 3days el..I'm bored and miss the kids!" I wined, hoping she will come through.

"Ugh! Fine..I'll talk to louis about it. But it's not a defiant yes"

"Yay, thanks el!" I quietly squealed..I might actually have some company around here for a bit.

"I'll text you later,bye"

I smiled, setting my phone onto the table. Coincidently, Harry came walking into the kitchen with orange juice, salad pots and 2 bags of Doritos.

"You were out for so long to get that?" I rose my eyebrow, and he just shrugged walking over to the fridge.

"Oh, I've got great news! El and Louis are joining us" I clapped and smiled, only to see Harry snap his head at me.

"Honey this is our Honeymoon, why invite people when it's only suppost to be us" he stepped towards me, with his voice raising slightly.

"Don't shout harry. I've been bored shitless since we arrived, and your never here anyway, I could with some company" I folded my arms, and walked back outside.

"Look I'm sorry ken. I'm bored to and I just can't stick it here. I'm missing the kids and I just want to relax" he followed me out, and sat on the sun bed next to me.

"There's nothing stopping you from relaxing, and I miss the kids so much aswell, but I can't spend another 11days here doing nothing. We could use some good company" I put my sunglasses on, and laid back.

"I guess you're right..but I still think it's wrong" I peeked over, seeing him shake his head and walk back inside.

I just don't care anymore.

Him bringing up the kids has just upset so much more. My little kids. They're turning 2 next month. So grown up, they're with their nanny kris and Anne.

It's the first time we've been away from them for so long. It's frightening obviously, but I trust my parents and Harry's parents to look after them well.

I just can't wait to go back and give them a big cuddle.

"Ken? Eleanor's on the phone" I sit up, and walk back into the house to see Harry on my phone talking.

"Thanks harry..Eleanor?" I sit on the stool, and I watch harry chop tomatoes and cucumber.

"Hey ken, um..lou said he would like to come out but I'm not 100% sure if it's right to.." I rolled my eyes.

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