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Me and Kendall jumped into Pauls car, on our way to the airport.

It's about 5:30pm, our flight is at 7.

We spent the rest of the day packing, and packing and packing.

I told her what her mum said, they're meeting us at the airport at 5:45.

She was happy at first to hear that all her family's coming along to, but she also realised that we will never get any alone time.

I tapped my right leg while driving along the streets with screaming fans behind. How did they know h-how?

Kendall could see I was confused, just by the way she was lookin at me.

"Harry, why you actin surprised? Someone obviously saw you and tweeted it?" She lightly laughed and looked back out the window.

I just nodded my head and looks forward at Paul driving.

This holiday is going to be amazing.

And after, I'm having a sleepover with the boys and girls. Some well deserved time all together with no annoying family pestering around eugh.

After this holiday I'm going to literally hate everything, I can just see it.

We finally pulled up at the entrance to the airport.

There was screaming fans everywhere, and I didn't want them to see me with Kendall.

So we did what we always do.

I get out the car, while Paul gets my luggage and drives off to the back entrance of the airport with Kendall.

There are never any screaming fans back there thank god! I couldn't risk having them fun out about me and Kendall!

After the fans found out about Louis and Eleanor things turned way to hectic! Fans were commuting suicide and giving Eleanor hate.

I don't want that to happen to Kendall!

She doesn't deserve it, she's too special for me!

The fans can really get on my nerves, and sometimes I wish I could just go back to myself.

No celebrity's.

No secrets.

No screaming fans everywhere.

I just want privacy sometimes.

But on the other hand, I'm so happy to have my fans, because they love me for my music and me.

I just hate lying to them!

I head towards our gate, with body guards holding back around 60 fans!

I smiled waving and sighed a few of there posters before waving goodbye.

I love them, sometimes I love them more than myself.

I lowered my neck and rubbed it.

I wonder how this holidays going to be, there's obviously going to be drama, it's the kardashians for god sakes!


Me,mum,dad,Khloe,Kim,mason,Scott,Kourtney,Lamar,Kylie,josh and Rob were waiting for harry in the jet.

He's probably signing fans posters or albums and having photos.

"So, what did Hazza get you babyK?" Khloe smirked at me while writing a tweet.

"Um, money to start my own fashion line, car, clothes etc. he's so cute". I smiled and look out the door.

Where is he? I'm so bor-

As I said that, harry comes stumbling onto the private jet!

"There you are, what took you so long?" I placed my arms around his neck laying a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Fans, what else". He put on his seat belt and I felt him relax slowly while lying his head back closing his eyes.

I slowly pulled away looking at Kylie and Josh.

They're so cute together, it's unreal!

He's only abit taller than her, he's got blonde her and blue eyes, he's not skinny but he's not fat eirther? If that makes sense? Sort of in the middle I guess.

They were hugging eachother while looking into eachothers eyes. They've been together longer than me and harry have. And people do know about them, because he's not famous like harry is.

It's hard hiding around all the time, from fans.

I know my fans wouldn't mind me dating him, it's just his fans are really..what's the word..crazy? I'm not saying that in a mean way btw..

After about 20minutes of pure silence with mason running up and down, the jet turned on, which means it's time to take off, I can't wait for this holiday. And I owe it all to harry, I love him loads.

I just starred at him before he turned to face me.

He must of guessed I was looking at him.

"I love you baby, thank you for an amazing birthday". I messed around with the little curls sticking out of place on his perfectly shaped head, oh my!

"I love you to, and it's not over yet baby". He smiled and gave me a quick peck before going back to his phone.

I layed my head on his shoulder, just to see what he's doing.

He's messaging Zayn about this big sleepover with the boys and girls after this holiday!

I rarely see the boys and their girls, so it will be nice to see them for once.

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