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I tilted my head to the other side, trying to avoid the sun light beaming my face.

I slowly pull myself up, then realising where I am.

I'm at Kendalls. She's right next to me..

This brought loads and loads of reminders back from yesterday.

The interview

The press..

They cheered for us..

I didn't think they would do that..

I immediately grabbed my phone off the side of the drawer and checked twitter, anything that could have news about me and Kendall. This is what has been panicking me for years. Actually telling people..I never thought I would.

I scroll through my news feed, until I see a fan posted a picture of me and Kendall walking to the car holding hands after the interview. I looked at the caption..

'So happy for Harry..happy for both of them'

This made me smile, I'm so happy she put that. I decided to follow her, to thank her.

Then I realise that there's loads of fans that's been giving me and Kendall support. Even came up with a ship name for us.


This made me smile to myself. I continued to scroll through. I'm so happy with everyone's reaction. It makes me so happy, but bad at the same time. I've over reacted everything so much about this..saying things will turn bad and that.

I should of known that my fans are more than haters, they love me for me. I couldn't be happier with it.

I put my phone back on the table and smile bac down under the covers, wrapping my arm around Kendall.

I wait for her patiently waking up, rubbing her eyes before she lays a perfect smile on me.

"Morning beautiful!" I smile at her giving her a gentle kiss.

"Morning perfect, why you so happy?" She rubbed my cheek, and then fiddling around with my curls.

"I read twitter..everyone loves us!" Her face lot up with a huge smile.

"I told you there was nothing to worry about." She sat up and kissed me.

"Omg! Shit! I got a photoshoot in an hour for Future hit!!" She jumps from her bed running in the bathroom.

I laugh to myself, until I slowly realise..I have a band meeting at nialls soon!!

This caused me to swear loudly following Kendall to the bathroom.


I walked into Kendalls kitchen trying to look for her. I need to go so I'm going to say goodbye.

I end up finding her in her mums office arguing with Kris. About some business trip. I didn't step in..just listened..

"I don't care mum, I love harry and I'm not staying away from him."

"Kendall. You realise this is an amazing opportunity. I'm sure harry will go with you."

"Mum are you stupid or something? Harrys got his world tour coming up next month. We just got back together, I'm not loosing him again."

She said that, and I heard footsteps come towards the door. I panicked for a second, and I quickly tip toed to the living room, calapsing on the sofa because my toes have gone cramped. Och!

She followed in calling my name looking for me.

"I'm in here ken!" I pretend I'm on my phone or something.

"I've got to go now! But I'll see you later?" She bends down and kisses my temple before waving off and going outside.

I know I'm going to regret this..but I know Kendall should go on that trip. It's important just like her mum said.

I have a world tour soon, things are going to be so different. I won't see Kendall for a long time..

We hardly see eachother now. Maybe it was a bad idea to get back together when we will just get hurt again by eachother..

**sorry it's not much. In revising okay! Please comment and vote!**

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